Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
General material designation
- Textual records
- Photographic materials
- Records in electronic form (born-digital)
- Records in electronic form (digitized)
- Artefacts
Parallel title
Other title information
Title statements of responsibility
Title notes
- Source of title proper: collection title based on the group of donors who deposited material related to SFU history.
Level of description
Reference code
Edition area
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Dates of creation area
1964-2024 (Creation)
- Creator
- Archives and Records Management Department
Physical description area
Physical description
Paper and analog materials:
25 cm of textual records and other materials
Born-digital materials:
0.50 MB of textual records
Digitized materials:
1.42 GB of textual records and photographic material
Publisher's series area
Title proper of publisher's series
Parallel titles of publisher's series
Other title information of publisher's series
Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series
Numbering within publisher's series
Note on publisher's series
Archival description area
Name of creator
Administrative history
The University Archives acquires, preserves and makes available three categories of materials: (1) the official records of the University, including those created by the Board of Governors, Senate, University committees, faculties, departments and administrative offices; (2) materials documenting the wider University community; and (3) historical research collections that promote the teaching and research activities of the University.
The Archives was established within the University Library in 1968 when librarian Liisa Fagerlund was appointed University Archivist on a half-time basis. She continued in this post until 1975 when she left the University. From 1975 to 1978, the Archives functioned within the Special Collections division of the Library. Archival duties were carried out by various library staff members. In 1978, the University Archives was established as a separate administrative unit outside of the Library. Donald Baird, recently retired as University Librarian, became University Archivist and held this position until his retirement in 1990. Jim Ross served as University Archivist from 1991 to 1993, and was succeeded by Ian Forsyth in 1994.
When the Archives was a function of the University Library, the University Archivist reported to the University Librarian. When the Archives was established as a separate administrative unit, the University Archivist reported directly to the University President. The reporting structure changed in 1986 when the University Archivist reported to the Vice-President, Research/Information Systems; in 1990, when the University Archivist reported to the Associate Vice-President, Academic; and in 1996, when the University Archivist reported to the Registrar/Dean of Students.
Custodial history
The date of transfer and chain of custody varies with the donor of the records in each series. See the custodial history note at the series level for more information.
Scope and content
The University Archives regularly receives donations of material related to SFU history from members of the University community (e.g., alumni, former staff and faculty, members of the general public, etc.). These donations usually consist of a small number of files and/or items that either focus on a single subject or event, or form a more general collection of material accumulated through a donors' connection to SFU.
When the Archives first started acquiring these types of materials, individual collections were created and named after the donor(s) (e.g., Mr. and Mrs. X SFU history collection). Very quickly, the Archives had several small collections on SFU history spread across its holdings, which it made it difficult for researchers to search and identify such similar groups of records. As a way to make these collections more accessible, the Archives decided to group them together under the umbrella of this collection, with a series created for each donation to preserve the chain of custody.
A description of the activities and and topics documented in the collection can be found in the scope and content note at each series level.
The collection has been arranged into 8 series that consist of material received from separate donors:
- Gene Waddell SFU architecture manuscript (series 1)
- Carolyn Hegberg SFU history collection (series 2)
- Kersti Krug SFU staff experience article (series 3)
- Sally and John Pankratz SFU Athletics collection (series 4)
- Breaks Bros. Construction Ltd. SFU construction collection (series 5)
- Helena Turner SFU charter student colloquium collection (series 6)
- Bob and Donelda Wilson SFU Sports Car Club collection (series 7)
- Koenraad Kuiper graduate student mailbox collection (series 8)
Notes area
Physical condition
Immediate source of acquisition
Where apparent, original order was maintained; arrangement was provided by the archivist for records with no existing order. See the arrangement note at the series level for more information.
The collection has been arranged into 8 series that go in order of the date of acquisition (e.g., series 1 is the earliest acquisition in the collection, and series 8 is the most recent).
Language of material
- English
Script of material
Location of originals
Availability of other formats
For born-digital records, the Archives' practice is to retain the materials in their original file formats and create normalized copies in designated access and preservation formats. Decisions on individual formats are codified in the Archives' Format Policy Registry (FPR). Typically the Archives will provide access via the designated access format, but it can provide copies in the original or preservation formats on request.
Digitized and born-digital materials may or may not be directly available from the associated description in SFU AtoM, depending on access or copyright restrictions. Materials not directly available online may be delivered by off-line methods. Consult the reference archivist for more information about access to offline digital materials.
Restrictions on access
All files and items in the collection are open with no restrictions.
Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication
The records in the collection are subject to copyright, but copyright ownership is mixed. See the terms governing use, reproduction, and publication note at the series level for more information.
Finding aids
Generated finding aid
Associated materials
Other records relating to SFU history can be found throughout the Archives' holdings. Popular fonds and collections to use as starting points on SFU history are linked to below under the related materials note.
Further accruals are expected.
Alternative identifier(s)
Standard number
Standard number
Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
- Waddell, Gene (Subject)
- Hegberg, Carolyn (Subject)
- Krug, Kersti (Subject)
- Pankratz, John (Subject)
- Pankratz, Sally (Subject)
- Wilson, Bob (Subject)
- Wilson, Donelda (Subject)
- Kuiper, Koenraad (Subject)
- Breaks, Donald (Subject)
- Breaks, Wendy (Subject)
- Turner, Helena (Subject)
- Patton, Michelle (Subject)
- Johnson, Martin (Subject)
- Dimich, Michael (Subject)
Genre access points
Control area
Description record identifier
Institution identifier
Rules or conventions
RAD July 2008 edition.
Level of detail
Dates of creation, revision and deletion
July 2022: first arrangement and description completed (ML).
September 2024: accrual processed (ML).
Language of description
- English