Sub-series consists of records relating to the production and performance of the opera Dido and Aeneas by the English composer Henry Purcell. Activities documented include production design, financing, program and score, and publicity. Records include set and costume design sketches, rehearsal schedules, stage plans, stage lighting schedules, event summary form, financial ledger, vocal and full score (publications), program book, photographs slides and negatives of rehearsals and performance (file 7), publicity photos (file 8), media releases, and press clippings.
This sub-series consists of records relating to the association of SFU and the Quartet. Activities documented include contract negotiations, budget, funding and reporting, campus performances and workshops, off-campus tours, and the decision in 1982 to discontinue the residency. Records include correspondence, proposals, reports, contracts and agreements, funding requests and grant applications, programs, tour itineraries, maps and briefing notes, media releases, publicity photograph (file 14), and press clippings.
Sub-series consists of programs and flyers produced for public events sponsored by the School and its predecessors.
Sub-series consists of media releases publicizing events and activities undertaken by the School and its predecessors.
Sub-series consists of schedules of public events organized by the School and its predecessors.
Series consists of records relating to general public programming matters not falling under a more specific category. Activities, events and topics documented include performing groups associated with the university (SFU Madrigal Singers, the Simon Fraser University Theatre Company, the Magnetic Band), a 1974 copyright dispute (file 8), public and media relations, correspondence with visiting artists, the 1977 residency by five members of the Royal Shakespeare Company (Patrick Stewart, Sheila Allen, Richard Pasco, Ben Kingsley, and Juliet Aykroyd). Records include event programs, membership lists, correspondence, petitions, workshop evaluations, proposals, reports, attendance statistics, press clippings and media releases, architectural drawings (set design, file 17), reprints and other printed reference material.
This sub-series consists of records relating to the planning, organization and delivery of the Summer Institutes. Activities documented include planning, funding, hiring of instructors, publicity and media relations, development of workshop content, review and reporting. Records include program descriptions, schedules and reading lists, correspondence, proposals, meeting minutes, reports, budgets and financial papers, funding proposals and grant applications, letters of appointments, invoices, cheque requisition forms, expense statements, media releases, programs and flyers.
This sub-series consists of records relating to the planning, organization and delivery of the Summer Symposiums. Activities documented include planning, development of workshop content, student evaluation of the program, and final reporting. Records include correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, schedules and outlines, budgets and financial working papers, evaluation forms.
This sub-series consists of records relating to the planning and delivery of non-credit workshops. The types of workshops include sessions in acting, music, dance, theatre, clowning, video, holography, film making, self-help housing, and tai chi. Records include workshop outlines and descriptions; flyers, brochures and programs; correspondence, proposals and reports; letters of appointment and contracts; financial statements and budget working papers; enrollment statistics and fee schedules. Two scripts are included in the files: "Tracings: The Fraser Story" written by SFU students, the Theatre Network and Sharon Pollock (file 25), and the working script of a cabaret production (file 27).
This sub-series consists of records documenting the content and evaluation standards of courses offered by the School. Records include course outlines and descriptions; directed studies proposals; reading lists and slide lists; examination, assignment and essay questions; lecture schedules and outlines; memoranda and instructors' reports. For some courses in the performing arts, instructors' evaluations of students have been preserved as evidence of evaluation methods. Some teaching material has been retained (e.g. glossaries, lecture notes), but reprints of articles have not been preserved. The sub-series does not include course administration records (e.g. enrollment lists, grade lists, book requisition forms, grade change forms, registration status reports, waiting lists, add / drop forms, lab fee notices, student directories). Note that record types found in the files vary considerably from course to course.
Sub-series consists of records relating to curriculum and instruction generally, not falling under a more specific category. Activities, topics and events documented included enrollment statistics and grading policies. Records include correspondence, statistics, and policies.
Series consists of the Director's correspondence with individuals and organizations outside of the university. Activities and events documented include the Centennial Theatre project (file 1); participation in conferences, faculty exchange programs and visiting artists; collaboration and participation in various arts organizations; liaison with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) and the Universities Council of British Columbia (UCBC); special projects and events (Expo '86 World Festival, Calgary '88 Olympics Arts Festival); a 1984 proposal to establish a Canadian Centre for Contemporary Arts;liaison with local public and high schools; reviews and commentary on other university programs, and grant applications.
Records include correspondence, reports, meeting agendas and minutes, agreements and letters of understanding, media releases, proposals, grant applications, project descriptions, postcards, conference programs, CVs, questionnaires, architectural drawings (file 19), notes and working papers, brochures and other printed reference material.
Series consists of the Director's correspondence with other university departments. Activities and topics documented include development of the Arts Administration program within Continuing Studies, Faculty of Education meetings (reflecting the earlier Centre's administrative placement within this Faculty), reviews of program proposals by the University of British Columbia (included in correspondence with the Vice-President, Academic), the support campaign for the School (then the Centre for the Arts) in the face of large budget cuts in 1984-85, the School's participation in the university's Prison Education Program, and a study of the university Library's support of contemporary arts. Records include correspondence, reports, proposals, budgets and budget working papers, notes, bibliographies, CVs, mailing lists, questionnaires, reprints and other reference material.
This series consists of the Director's correspondence relating to the administration of the Theatre program. Activities and topics documented include program establishment, curriculum and policy development, theatre design, planning and use policy, student and faculty relations. Records include correspondence, reports, meeting agendas and minutes, policies, program proposals, course proposals and descriptions, architectural drawings, and CVs.
This series consists of the Director's correspondence relating to the administration of the Music program. Activities and topics documented include program establishment, curriculum and policy development, public programming, workshops, conferences and special events (e.g. the Computer Music Weekends), and budget, equipment and space planning. Records include correspondence, reports, schedules, budget working papers, program proposals, course and workshop descriptions.
This series consists of the Director's correspondence relating to the administration of the Film program. Activities and topics documented include the establishment of the program, curriculum and policy development, faculty relations, meetings of the Film Area committee, budget planning, screenings and distribution of student film productions, the establishment of the Praxis Institute, student exchange programs, and equipment management. Records include correspondence, reports, program proposals, course descriptions, meeting agendas and minutes, budget papers, film schedules and descriptions, and reference material.
This series consists of the Director's correspondence relating to the administration of the Dance program. Activities and topics documented include program establishment, curriculum development, meetings of the Dance Area Committee, budget planning, and student and faculty relations. Records include correspondence, reports, course proposals and descriptions, calendar change forms, petitions, and budget papers.
This series consists of the Director's correspondence relating to the administration of the Visual Art program. Activities and topics documented include the establishment of the program, curriculum and policy development, management of Visual Art facilities, job responsibilities, equipment management, and budget planning. Records include correspondence and reports; budget papers; course and program proposals and descriptions; job descriptions; and agreements and legal opinions.
This series consists of the Director's correspondence with the Art Gallery during the period when the Gallery reported to the Director. Activities and events documented include exhibits, acquisitions, budget planning and funding, position work responsibilities, and space planning. Records include correspondence, reports and statistics (including Annual Reports for 1981 and 1982 in files 6 and 7 respectively), acquisition lists, media releases, exhibit schedules, policies, presentations, and job descriptions.
Series consists of the Director's correspondence relating to general departmental matters not falling under a more specific category. Activities and topics documented include use of facilities, visiting faculty and artists, special events and receptions, faculty and student relations, course preparation, enrollment, and the Mini University program. Records include correspondence, department-wide memoranda, and reports.