Sub-sub-series consists primarily of photocopied material relating to the history of Simon Fraser University. Subjects, events and activities documented include academic planning; academic freedom, tenure and promotion; student activism; student and faculty affairs; faculty-administration relations; the crisis in post-secondary education; the PSA affair; the development of several academic departments; the development of the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU); the trimester system; and the overall growth and expansion of the university and its programs. Sub-sub-series includes memoranda; newspaper articles; minutes; discussion papers; printed emails; correspondence; journal articles; book excerpts; reports; annual reports; statistics; working papers; and an honors essay.
Sub-sub-series consists of photocopied material from fonds held in the SFU Archives relating to The Peak; the Simon Fraser Student Society; Athletics and the TSSU. Hugh Johnston numbered each page of this material and created a rough index. This index is provided in pages 79-96 of the Yellow Notebook contained within sub-sub-series three. Subjects, activities and events documented include student conduct; the Student Affairs Committee; student activism; SFU Athletic programs; student clubs; health services; campus radio station; enrollment; faculty and student housing; the PSA affair; the Shell gas station affair; SFSS Presidents Stan Wong, Martin Loney, Rob Walsh, and Ian Spencer; the "Dentists' Wives"; the formation of TSSU; sabbatical eligibility; the presidencies of Kenneth Strand and Patrick McTaggart-Cowan; and the Women's Movement at SFU. Records include briefs, convocation programs, correspondence, journal articles, memoranda, minutes, newsletters, newspaper articles, press releases, reports, statistics, the University Act statutes, and Peak Student Handbooks (1985, 1989).
Sub-sub-series consists of records relating to joint meetings, consultations, and negotiations between the university and the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU). Records include correspondence, meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers, a copy of the TSSU memorandum of settlement (1995), and TSSU bargaining bulletins (1999).
Sub-series consists of records relating to the university's consultations and negotiations with the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU). Activities and topics documented include collective bargaining negotiations, the activities of the TSSU Labour / Management Committee, interpretations of collective bargaining provisions, and union grievances. Records include correspondence, statistics and reports, Labour Relations Board (LRB) decisions, legal advice, collective bargaining proposals and agreements, meeting minutes, notes and working papers, and printed reference material.
Series consists of correspondence relating to academic personnel relations and support services. Activities and topics documented include recruitment and retirement, negotiations with the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU) in 1979, the provincial Compensation Stabilization Program, (1982-1984), development of the personnel payroll IT systems and the activities of the Administrative Information Systems Steering Committee (1987-1988), the employment systems review in the Office of the Vice-President, Academic (1989), and the distribution agreement with the Open Learning Agency (1989-1990). Records include correspondence, policies and procedures, reports and statistics, meeting minutes, agreements, legal advice, and notes and working papers.
Series consists of correspondence and related materials received and sent by the School Director. It includes brochures, memoranda, questionnaires, and annual and other reports. Names that appear in file titles as correspondents or subjects are listed below under Access Points.