Sub-series consists of photos, contact sheets, negatives, proofs, articles, and published material relating to administrative officers of the University. For a list of administrative officers associated with the sub-series, see access points.
Series consists of photos, negatives, contact sheets, slides, articles, press releases, poems, biographical notes, posters, audio and video tapes, and correspondence relating to individuals deemed significant by the Media and Public Relations Office. For a list of individuals associated with the sub-series, see file list.
The fonds of the SFU Childcare Society consists of records made or received in the course of administering the Society and its predecessor bodies and providing facilities, personnel and funding for childcare programs. The bulk of the material ranges from 1968 to the early 1990s. Activities documented include meetings of the various societies and centres established to provide childcare services; obtaining license agreements with the University; securing collective agreements with staff; planning for child care services; construction of buildings; correspondence and liaison with government officials and university administrators; and providing information to parents and staff.
Simon Fraser University Childcare SocietyEmily Campbell, first Executive Director of Child Care (1974-1984), interviewed by Tracy Dyke and Sheila Davidson. Topics include discussion of her work and accomplishments, changes in child care, and the 30th anniversary of child care at SFU.