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MsC-139 · Fonds · 1994-2002

Fonds consists of videopoems and digital records from the Edgewise Electrolit Centre.

Edgewise Electrolit Centre
Edward McWhinney fonds
MsC-191 · Fonds · 1926 - 2015

Edward McWhinney was an international authority on constitutional and aviation law, a prolific author, member of multiple academic and professional organizations, a Member of the Canadian Parliament and a lecturer at universities around the world. In his later years he actively supported numerous institutions, including the charitable foundation he established with his wife, Emily McWhinney. He routinely travelled, and this collection reflects the diverse range of his careers and interests.

Consisting primarily of records created in the course of his extensive professional and political careers, this collection contains correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, handwritten notes and cards, photographs, published materials, books, photocopies, and ephemera. The fonds has been split into 4 series: Politics and law (1943-2015); Publications and reviews (1956-2015); Associations, conferences and academia (1940-2015); Personal (1914-2015).

McWhinney, Edward
Eleanor Wachtel fonds
MsC-21 · Fonds · 1977-1987

The fonds consists of typescripts and audio reels of CBC radio reviews of stage plays, motion pictures, children's books and popular culture events and festivals, especially those held in the Lower Mainland area of B.C. Fonds also includes related publicity materials.

Wachtel, Eleanor
Elinor Ames fonds
F-125 · Fonds · 1964 - 1995

Fonds consists of records made and received by Elinor Ames. Correspondence consists of two files concerning the hiring of Dr. Ames, negotiations about the renewal of her contract, and her concerns about the administration of the Psychology Department. Other files contain samples of departmental publications and course materials such as exams.

Ames, Elinor
F-274 · Collection · [196-] - [ca. 2009]

Collection consists of 25 posters, mainly relating to events organized by various activist organizations to express solidarity with international social and political movements. Groups represented include the Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America (OSPAAL), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights at UBC (SPHR UBC), and Amnesty International. The collection also contains three posters for plays performed by the Teatre Zydowski (Warsaw, Poland) ca. 1970s (file 4). There are a variety of languages represented in the works, and the posters include black and white as well as colour prints.

The posters were arranged by the Archivist into files based on the locations of the movements / issues that were the subjects of the posters.

Ellen Frank fonds
F-82 · Fonds · 1974 - 1984

Fonds consists of records created, received and collected by Ellen Frank in her involvement in the women's movement in Vancouver. Activities documented include participation in the Association of University and College Employees (AUCE), the British Columbia Federation of Women (BCFW), the Solidarity Coalition, and activities relating to a number of other feminist organizations, issues, and actions. Includes correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda, reports, briefs, newsletters, press releases, notebooks, press clippings, project proposals, posters, and pamphlets.

Frank, Ellen
endnote fonds
MsC-71 · Fonds · 2000-2004

Fonds includes email correspondence and corrected proof copies of issues #3/4, 5, 6.

MsC-127 · Collection · 1968

The collection consists of 115 handbills, and 78 posters (including 5 manuscript posters) collected by Robin Mathews in Paris during the student rebellion and general strike of May 1968.

Mathews, Robin
MsC-108 · Collection · 1902-1974, predominantly 1918-1974

Collection consists of diaries, photographs, a passport, correspondence and an award issued to Allan Grant from the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool in 1974.

Grant, Ethel Moxon and Allan Garfield
F-182 · Collection · 1971 - 2003

Collection consists of biographical information on the Palmers including an article from SFU Comment magazine; a binder (refiled in folders) on the history of the Department of Chemistry prepared by Evelyn T. Palmer; a group of files about the Albert Einstein Memorial Lecture Series (files F-182-0-0-0-4 to F-182-0-0-0-25 ) as well as reel-to-reel tapes and cassette recordings of the lectures; and a binder (refiled in folders) on various Faculty of Science lecture series organized by the Palmers. Collection includes correspondence, programs, posters, publications and other documents.

Palmer, Evelyn T.
Ezra Pound collection
MsA-4 · Fonds · 1946-1959

The collection consists of correspondence written by Ezra Pound while in St. Elizabeth's Hospital to Denis Goacher, a British writer, concerning publishing projects and publicity schemes to secure Pound's release (1952-1957), to Pound's long-time friends Wyndham Lewis and Agnes Bedford (1946-1959), and to Willis Hawley, a sinologist, concerning linguistic and technical details involved with the publication of "Confucius: The Great Digest and Unwobbling Pivot" (1951). Some of the correspondence to Hawley was written by Dorothy Pound and James Laughlin.

Pound, Ezra Loomis
F. Margaret Hayward fonds
F-128 · Fonds · 1963 - 1999

Fonds consists primarily of records made or received by F. Margaret Hayward in her role as director of the Reading and Study Centre at SFU. Includes reading and study course materials developed for the Centre, a survey of reading and study programs across Canada, correspondence relating to Hayward's appointment and work at the Centre, an oral history of F. Margaret Hayward recorded by Letty Wilson, former administrator at SFU, and a photograph of the opening ceremonies at SFU.

Hayward, F. Margaret
F-11 · Fonds · 1960 - 2003

The Facilities Management fonds consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the Department and the carrying out of its functions, which changed over time. The original responsibilities of the department included building the physical plant of the University, maintaining buildings and grounds, and providing support services such as food, traffic control, and security. Later, its functions were narrowed to the construction and maintenance of the physical plant and grounds.

The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, construction and maintenance of the University's physical plant and grounds, including land acquisition and liaison with outside consultants and bodies; and the planning and delivery of services to the University, including water and power, traffic, security, fire prevention, purchasing, bookstore operations, central stores, mail, and food. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, certificates, contracts, correspondence, copies of deeds, legal releases, lists, maps, memoranda, architectural plans, reports, and design specification books.

Facilities Services
Faculty Council fonds
F-112 · Fonds · 1965 - 1973

Fonds consists of records documenting the functions and activities of the Faculty Council. Fonds includes agendas, minutes, correspondence, policies and procedures, and other documents.

Faculty Council
Faculty of Arts fonds
F-2 · Fonds · 1965 - 1984

The fonds of the Faculty of Arts consists of records made and received in the course of the administration of the Faculty and the carrying out of its functions. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; approval of curriculum and program recommendations from departments; representation to the Senate and Board of Governors; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; and dispute resolution. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, annual reports, correspondence, faculty files, memoranda, publications, reports, and working papers.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
F-42 · Fonds · 1967 - 2004

The fonds consists of records relating to the academic development of the Faculty of Business Administration and its programs, centres and institutes. Activities, topics and events documented include the Dean's correspondence with Business Administration faculty and program directors, the greater university community, student clubs, local and the international business community, and provincial and national organizations; participation on university committees; and planning and delivery of projects, programs, and workshops; student intercollegiate business competitions held at Emory and Queens Universities; liaison with the Faculty's External Advisory Board; the Dean's participation on the board of the Canadian Federation of Deans of Management and Administrative Studies; and establishment of international business programs in Asia and North America.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; budgets and financial working papers; contracts; program and instructor evaluations; and publications including program brochures, student handbooks, student resume books, seminar and workshop flyers, newsletters, newspaper clippings, faculty discussion papers, and student MBA project reports. The fonds also includes photographs.

Beedie School of Business
Faculty of Education fonds
F-233 · Fonds · 1963 - 2005

The fonds consists of records made and received by the Faculty of Education in the course of administering its programs and operations. Activities documented include policy and procedures development, budget planning, and relations with staff, faculty members, and students; the self-governance of the faculty through the faculty meeting and faculty committees; the evolution of the faculty's administrative structure and its re-organizations; the administration of faculty departments and centres (prior to 1972) and program area divisions (after 1972); the development of curriculum and delivery of courses; liaison with other SFU bodies and departments, other universities, government bodies and agencies, school boards, and professional associations relating to education; and special events held by the faculty, including conferences, colloquia, and public lecture series. Textual records include meeting agenda and minutes, reports, correspondence, publications, statistics, notes and working papers. Non-textual media include photographic material, architectural drawings, and audio and audio-visual recordings. For more detailed descriptions, see the series-level descriptions.

Note that there are a number of gaps in the coverage of the fonds. No records have been transferred from the Dean's office (series 1) for the period after 1984. The series of committee records (series 3) includes no or very few files from several of the faculty's standing committees (Field Programs, Appointments, Tenure and Promotion, and Research Opportunities). The holdings of the early centres and departments of the faculty (series 4) are slight, with the exception of those for the Department of Behavioural Science Foundations. Of the program area divisions established after the 1972 reorganization (five as of 2008), only one (Professional Programs) has transferred its records to the Archives (series 5).

Faculty of Education
F-23 · Fonds · 1965 - 1987

Fonds consists of records created and received by the Office of the Dean in administering the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (FIDS) and carrying out its operational functions. Activities and topics documented include the establishment, organization, operation and dissolution of the Faculty; liaison with other units in the University; the development and delivery of courses to undergraduate and graduate students; and the management of teaching personnel. Fonds includes correspondence, reports, agendas and minutes of committee meetings, policies and procedures, faculty case files, course proposals, course descriptions, and other documents.

Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies
Faculty of Science fonds
F-24 · Fonds · 1965 - 2000

The fonds consists of records relating to the academic development of the Faculty of Science and the departmental administration of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Activities, topics and events documented include the Dean's correspondence with faculty and departmental chairs; correspondence with the university community, local and international science professionals, and provincial and national organizations; departmental reviews; participation on university committees and the Management Council of the Western Canadian Universities Marine Biological Society; liaison with university research institutes; and construction of the South Science Building on campus.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; budgets and financial working papers; speeches; policies and procedures; bound architectural drawings; and publications including newsletters, pamphlets, journals, conference programs, posters, research summaries, and a calendar.

Faculty of Science
filling Station fonds
MsC-73 · Fonds · 1993–2009

Fonds consists of records documenting the establishment of the filling Station Publications Society in Calgary, Alberta, in 1993, and its ongoing business editing and publishing "filling Station" magazine, individual chapbooks and hosting literary events. Fonds is arranged into the following six series: Administrative records (1993–2008); Financial records (1993–2008); Marketing files (1993–2002); Editorial files (1995–2004); Event files (1993–2001); and Chapbooks (1993–2006).

filling Station Publications Society
(f.)Lip Magazine
MsC-213 · Fonds · [198-]-1989

Fonds consists of textual records, including submitted manuscripts, paste-ups, editorial notes, subscriptions, correspondence, and other records related to the periodical (f.)Lip. The fonds has been arranged into the following two series: Editorial files, and Administrative and business files.

(f.)Lip Magazine
Frances Wasserlein fonds
F-162 · Fonds · 1895 - 1990

The fonds consists primarily of records created during the writing of Wasserlein's MA thesis at SFU, "An Arrow Aimed at the Heart": the Vancouver Women's Caucus and the Abortion Campaign, 1969-1971, completed in 1990. The fonds also contains records related to other research Wasserlein was involved in, specifically her work with the UBC research project on non-academic women in 1979, and her application for a Canada Council grant in support of her own research project in 1982. Fonds includes taped interviews, transcripts, notes, drafts, correspondence, published materials, periodicals, and photographs. No records exist related to Wasserlein's activities with the Vancouver Folk Music Festival.

Wasserlein, Frances
Frank Davey fonds
MsC-3 · Fonds · 1950-2004

Fonds consists of holograph drafts and typescript drafts of poems and criticisms, press proofs, notebooks (including Davey's childhood writing in elementary and secondary school), university essays, book reviews, records relating to a brief to the Applebaum-Hebert Commission (1983), drafts relating to various critical works, university course outlines and conference material, research material, "dream journals", records relating to the journal "Open Letter" and to Coach House Press, and correspondence. Correspondents include George Bowering, Lionel Kearns, Louis Dudek, Dennis Lee, Dave Godfrey, Fred Wah, and Talonbooks. Fonds includes records of "Open Letter", a literary journal edited by Davey; archives of the writers agency, Linda McCartney, Writers Agent (1971-1976); also email correspondence relating to ACCUTE (Canadian Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English) ca. 1993-1999.

Davey, Frank
MsC-240 · Fonds · 1994-1995

Fonds consists of records resulting from the activities of the Fraser River Sockeye Public Review Board in preparing their report to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans regarding the dramatic disappearance of several million sockeye salmon which normally would have migrated to the Fraser River watershed in 1994. Records include reports, notes, research, public submissions, correspondence and legal documents.

Fraser River Sockeye Public Review Board
F-171 · Fonds · 1983 - 1998, predominant 1991 - 1998

Fonds consists of records relating to the activities of the Fraser Valley University Society and its role in the establishment of the Technical University of British Columbia. Activities, events, and topics documented include the formation of the Society; the Society's organization, structure and membership; general administration and correspondence; management of the Society's budget and financial resources; Board, committee, and other meetings; community outreach and promotion; fundraising; research; and the Society's development of relationships with municipal and provincial government bodies.

Records include correspondence; minutes and agendas; organizational charts, constitutions, by-laws, mission statements, policies and procedures; budgets and financial statements; reports; subject files; member and donor lists; speeches; newsletters, promotional brochures and flyers; press releases and newspaper articles; videocassettes; and photographs and slides.

Fraser Valley University Society
Fred Hope fonds
F-224 · Fonds · [ca. 1965-1975]

The fonds consists of a booklet of the proceedings of the 4th annual conference of the Canadian Association of University Security Directors, held at SFU in 1974. The fonds also consists of 12 photographs, 9 of which depict the construction of SFU. The other 3 depict Fred in various official capacities, including coordinating a search for a missing girl and a contact sheet showing Hope posing in his office. Two of the construction photographs were George Allen aerial photographs numbered 11620 and 9328 have been added to the SFU archives aerial photograph collection (F-30-3-0-0-1).

Note: While the deed of gift indicates that a plaque and two yearbooks: SFU The Early Years and SFU: A Report on the Early Years were also donated, there is no evidence of these items in the fonds.

Hope, Fred
Fred Wah fonds
MsC-17 · Fonds · 1927, 1959-2013

Fonds consists of correspondence, written works and published materials by Wah and other writers, photographs, and other records accumulated by Wah during his lifetime, arising from both personal and professional activities. Records include poems, essays and reviews; journals and notebooks; book manuscripts; teaching materials; travel records; administrative records; and promotional material for conferences, workshops and other events.

The records in this fonds have been arranged into the following eight series: Correspondence (1960-2013); Writings and related records (1961-2012); Research records, works of others, and works about Wah ([196-]-2012); Academic work and instruction records (1927, [196-]-2005); Events and travel records (1965- 2013); Professional service and activities records ([ca. 1961]-2013); Residency records (1981-2007); and Personal records ([196-?]-[199-?]).

Wah, Fred
Fritz Perls film collection
MsC-98 · Collection · 1969

Collection consists of 16 mm film, transcripts, master audio recordings and audio cassettes. These records form part of the production elements used by Stanley Fox and Aquarian Productions to produce Series Two of Gestalt Sessions with Fritz Perls, filmed in 1969 and edited in 1972. Films are introduced by Dr. Karl. E. Humiston, and record psychotherapy sessions between Perls and volunteer patients that took place over five days and 55 hours in 1969.

Fox, Stanley
Fumiko Kiyooka fonds
MsC-194 · Fonds · [200?]-2012

Fonds consists of research and moving image records generated and used in the production of the documentary REED: the life and works of Roy Kiyooka, produced and directed by Fumiko Kiyooka.

Kiyooka, Fumiko
Gael Turnbull fonds
MsE-1 · Fonds · [196-]1990

The fonds consists of correspondence (letters to the poet Cid Corman), manuscripts and other material.

Turnbull, Gael