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Selma Wassermann fonds
F-263 · Fonds · 1962-2017

Fonds consists of records relating to Selma Wassermann's activities as an educator and scholar. Activities documented include SFU teaching and curriculum development; research and publication; development of classroom educational resources; professional development projects with teachers in the metro Vancouver area drawing on Wassermann's teaching for thinking methods and pedagogy; and correspondence with colleagues, including her mentor, Louis C. Raths. Records include course outlines, instructional materials, case studies, notes and working papers; correspondences and reports; speeches, conferences papers and proceedings, academic articles and books; teachers' guides and resources; interviews, photographs, classroom footage, sound recordings and video. The fonds includes copies of most of Wassermann's published articles, but only a small selection of her published books, including her first work, Teaching and Thinking (1966), as well as Spanish translations of Serious Players and Introduction to Case Method Teaching.

The fonds is arranged into six series:
- Teaching and course development files, 1972-2007 (series 1)
- Materials relating to case method teaching, 1991-2005 (series 2)
- Speeches, 1988-1999 (series 3)
- Publications and writings, 1967-2010 (series 4)
- Personal papers and correspondence, 1962-2000 (series 5)
- Audio-visual materials, 1989-2006 (series 6)

Wassermann, Selma
Patricia Joan Ludwick fonds
MsC-53 · Fonds · ca. 1964-2021

Fonds consists chiefly of records relating to Ludwick’s work as a creator of various art forms. The records have been arranged into series according to these different forms, such as those relating to her work as a writer of live theatre, radio plays, poetry, and prose. While the archivist has categorized the records in this way in order to assist discovery, it should be noted that Ludwick’s art reached across the boundaries between disciplines: many of her plays, for instance, incorporate dance and choreography in order to convey meaning. Other series include records related to art installations that Ludwick created, as well as records supporting her role as a teacher, and assorted biographical records. A final series has been created which encompasses the audiovisual materials in Ludwick’s fonds: these are primarily tape or video recordings of rehearsals, live performances and broadcasts.

Ludwick, Patricia Joan
F-109 · Fonds · 1964 - 2018

The fonds consists of records relating to activities of the School and its predecessors. Activities and events documented include the evolution of the department's structure, functions and governance; management of the School's budget and financial resources; management of School facilities; deliberations of School committees; correspondence of the Director with staff, faculty, other university departments and external organizations; curriculum development and course instruction; public-events programming; management of faculty and student relations; media relations, publicity and communications; and the organization of conferences and other special events.

Records include correspondence and reports; budgets and financial working papers; meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; course outlines and related material; media releases, event programs, flyers and booklets; audio and audio-visual recordings, films, photographs, posters and other graphic material; and departmental publications, including annual reports (1965-1976), course guides, newsletters and brochures.

School for the Contemporary Arts
MsC-50 · Collection · [193?-197?]

The fonds consists of press releases, clippings, typescripts of speeches, photographs, and other material.

International Woodworkers of America Association
Board of Governors fonds
F-33 · Fonds · 1963 - 2010

The fonds consists of records arising from the mandated functions of the Board of Governors as described in the administrative history. The fonds includes meeting minutes, agendas, and supporting documents; reports; financial papers; contracts; architectural drawings; search and review committee records including c.v.'s, reference letters, and appointment forms; news clippings and other documents. The fonds also includes a collection of policies and procedures, many of which had to be approved by the Board.

The fonds is arranged into the following series:

Board of Governors
MsC-256 · Fonds · 1959-2012, predominantly 1982-2012

Fonds consists of textual records, photographs, audio-visual records and other material documenting the creation, organization and activities of the Vancouver Branch of the national organization Veterans Against Nuclear Arms (VANA), dating mainly from the early 1980s to the 2000s. Some records relate to the activities of its parent body at the national and provincial level.
The fonds documents the Canadian peace movement of late 20th century, involvement of veterans in activism, and aspects of veteran community in Canada and worldwide. The fonds illustrate political situation, past and current conflicts as well as weapons development and policies in Canada, United States and globally.
The fonds documents the VANA Vancouver Branch administrative operations, membership strategies, financial operations, planning of activities, initiative and awareness projects. The research records containing publications, reports, fact sheets, summaries and articles illustrate peace activism, weapons development, consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, war crimes, NATO’s role, political situation and treaties in North America and around the world.
The fonds is divided into four series: 1. Administrative records; 2. Research records; 3. Photographs; 4. Audio/visual records.

Veterans Against Nuclear Arms
W. Randle Iredale fonds
F-47 · Fonds · 1964 - 1978

Fonds consists of records reflecting W. Randle Iredale's contribution to the architecture of Simon Fraser University. Records reflect the three phases of designing and building the Science Complex. Includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, news releases, negatives, contact sheets, slides, 8 x 10 photographs, and architectural drawings.

Iredale, W. Randle
F-326 · Collection · 1964-2024

The University Archives regularly receives donations of material related to SFU history from members of the University community (e.g., alumni, former staff and faculty, members of the general public, etc.). These donations usually consist of a small number of files and/or items that either focus on a single subject or event, or form a more general collection of material accumulated through a donors' connection to SFU.

When the Archives first started acquiring these types of materials, individual collections were created and named after the donor(s) (e.g., Mr. and Mrs. X SFU history collection). Very quickly, the Archives had several small collections on SFU history spread across its holdings, which it made it difficult for researchers to search and identify such similar groups of records. As a way to make these collections more accessible, the Archives decided to group them together under the umbrella of this collection, with a series created for each donation to preserve the chain of custody.

A description of the activities and and topics documented in the collection can be found in the scope and content note at each series level.

The collection has been arranged into 8 series that consist of material received from separate donors:

  • Gene Waddell SFU architecture manuscript (series 1)
  • Carolyn Hegberg SFU history collection (series 2)
  • Kersti Krug SFU staff experience article (series 3)
  • Sally and John Pankratz SFU Athletics collection (series 4)
  • Breaks Bros. Construction Ltd. SFU construction collection (series 5)
  • Helena Turner SFU charter student colloquium collection (series 6)
  • Bob and Donelda Wilson SFU Sports Car Club collection (series 7)
  • Koenraad Kuiper graduate student mailbox collection (series 8)
Archives and Records Management Department
MsC-23 · Fonds · 1980-1998, predominant 1982-1996

The fonds includes records of the administration and activities of the Women and Words Society, including minutes, correspondence, financial and payroll records, submissions, fundraising records, documentation of events and its mentorship program.

West Coast Women and Words Society
Gladys Maria Hindmarch fonds
MsC-34 · Fonds · 1959-1997, predominant 1960-1988

Fonds consists of records created or accumulated by Gladys Maria Hindmarch, primarily through her activities as a writer. Records document the writing and editing of her books and works of short prose, her other editorial work, and her personal and professional relationships with friends and other writers. Records include correspondence, drafts, manuscripts, notes, journals, published articles and reviews, and research records.

Fonds has been arranged into the following five series: Correspondence (1959-1998), Writings and related records ([ca. 1959]-1994), Notebooks (1962-[ca. 1981]), Works of others ([ca. 1959]-1997), and Personal records ([ca. 1962]-1985).

Hindmarch, Gladys Maria
F-1 · Fonds · 1922 - 2013

The records of the John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia consist of the Society's administrative records and client case files and cards used to document information about individual clients. They encompass work done as a provincial society and also as a working office in the Lower Mainland.

The administrative records of the Society document all aspects of the Society's work. They are broken down into three separate series, reflecting the particular manner in which the Society operated. First, a separate series of miscellaneous records which the Society appears to have kept apart from its established file system dates from 1932 to 1988. A second series of administrative records dating from 1932 to about 1968 reflects the Society's file classification plan in use at the time (see Appendix B1 - hard-copy finding aid only). A third group of administrative records reflects a new file classification plan which replaced the earlier file system (see Appendix B2 - hard-copy finding aid only). Administrative records that have accrued to the fonds have been added to this series.

Later records demonstrate the increased activity of the society in addressing the social problems of crime, including victim assistance programs and community assessments, as well as administration of halfway houses.

Individual case files and cards provide evidence of the Society's involvement with clients on probation including repeat or 'habitual' offenders, as well as prison visits, counseling sessions and other related actions undertaken by the Society on behalf of its clients.

Records comprising this fonds are records created at the Vancouver office of the Society, and do not include records created by the various regional offices.

John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia
MsC-274 · Collection · 1978-2022

This collection consists of records created, collected and commissioned by Terry Hunter and Savannah Walling co-founders of creative collaboration known as the Vancouver Moving Theatre. The records in this collection document the history of Hunter and Walling’s artistic collaborations beginning in 1978.
Terry Hunter and Savannah Walling Collection consists of visual and audio recordings of performances of the Vancouver Moving Theatre from 1978-2007. It also contains textual records documenting promotional material and publications created to publicize and to review activities of the Vancouver Moving Theatre. These records covering activity period from 1983-2022 include ephemera, excerpts of serial publications, newspaper articles and special publications that document the VMT projects in detail. Part of the textual records contains financial statements of the VMT and educational resources created to aid in development of children and adult art projects. The educational resources were developed over the years and were based on the individual performance prepared by the VMT.

Vancouver Moving Theatre
Out On Campus fonds
F-282 · Fonds · 1975-2019, predominant 1988-2016

Fonds consists of records made or received by Out On Campus in the course of carrying out its functions and programs. Activities documented include provision of facilities, resources and referral services; meetings of the Out On Campus Collective and various subcommittees; correspondence and liaison with other individuals and groups; funding, budget planning, and management of its financial resources; planning and organization of projects, programs, and events; and training and management of volunteers. Records include minutes and meeting support papers, correspondence, promotional material such as posters, brochures, and banners, photographs and photo albums, and videocassettes.

Out On Campus
MsC 147 · Collection · 1932-1934

The collection offers insight into the imprisonment of the “Sons of Freedom” between 1932 and 1934 at Piers Island Penitentiary. The “Sons of Freedom” Doukhobors began as a small, radical movement to reinvigorate the faith, restore traditional Doukhobor values, and protest the sale of land, education, citizenship and registration of vital statistics. They would achieve infamy through civil disobedience, nude marches, and burnings. In 1932, over 600 Sons of Freedom protestors were convicted of public nudity. As B.C. Penitentiary was unable to handle such a rise in inmate population, a satellite prison under the authority of B.C. Penitentiary was constructed on Piers Island to house these prisoners. The records document how the prison was set up and run and the problems that the federal prison system encountered regarding both staff and prisoners. The correspondence and telegrams shed light on the internal discussions of senior officials concerning the management of the prison and its prisoners.
Fonds consists of correspondence, memoranda, telegrams, and other textual records pertaining to the Piers Island Penitentiary created or accumulated by H. W. Cooper during his career as the warden of B.C. Penitentiaries. The fonds also contains photographs which were all taken at Piers Island. The textual records predominantly consist of letters to and from H. W. Cooper regarding the penitentiary, staff, and prisoners. The records have been arranged into the following two series: Correspondence and other documents (1932-1934); and Photographs ([between 1932 and 1934]).

Purcell String Quartet fonds
F-302 · Fonds · 1968-2018, predominant 1968-1991

Fonds consists of records relating to the activities of the Purcell String Quartet, and the careers of its individual members. Records include concert programs, publicity brochures, posters, and press reviews; contracts, correspondence, tour schedules, and itineraries; and photographs, scrapbooks, and sound recordings and moving images.

The fonds is a hybrid of paper, analog, and born-digital media.

The fonds has been arranged by the archivist into nine series:

• Administrative records (series 1)
• Promotional material (series 2)
• Photographic material (series 3)
• Press reviews (series 4)
• Correspondence (series 5)
• Programs (series 6)
• Member records (series 7)
• Sounds recordings (series 8)
• Moving images (series 9)

Purcell String Quartet
Jim Douglas fonds
MsC-192 · Fonds · 1968-2006

This fonds contains textual and photographic materials compiled by Jim Douglas, primarily relating to his various business and professional work in the field of book publishing. There is also printed material he compiled while researching legal topics relevant to publishing such as libel, copyright, contract and professional standards.

The series contained in this fonds are as follows: Series 1: Business records (1968-2006), Series 2: Records pertaining to legal topics (1982-1990), and Series 3: Project files (1970-1985).

Douglas, Jim
Alison Kirkley fonds
F-294 · Fonds · 1982-2008

Fonds consists of 21 mounted black and white photographic prints and 1 poster for an an exhibition of Kirkley's photos at the New Westminster Arts Council. The photographs feature dancers from the SFU dance program performing in student and faculty shows. One of the main subjects of the photographs is Lorraine Thomson, Alison Kirkley's sister and a graduate of the SFU dance program.

The project to create the photos was suggested to Alison Kirkley by Judith Garay, an SFU dance professor, as a way to document the newly credited dance program at SFU. The photos were taken in a minimalist style using analog camera equipment and natural light, and then developed and enhanced using dark room techniques.

Kirkley's equipment for taking the photographs consisted of a Hasselblad 500CM large format camera; Canon F-1 and Canon TX with a Canon FD series lens; Gossen Lunasix F exposure metres; and Canon Speedlite 199A. Her darkroom was equipped with a Berkey Omega C760 Modular 11 x 14 inch black and white enlarger. The paper used for the prints was Fujicolour and Infospeed MG44M.

Item formats include the analog originals and digitized surrogates.

Items arranged chronologically.

Kirkley, Alison
Al Neil fonds
MsC-128 · Fonds · 1907–2010

Fonds consists of records generated from Al Neil's work as a musician, artist and writer, as well as his personal and family records. These include family photographs, records from Neil's military service, correspondence, documentation of performances, art exhibitions and collages, clippings of interviews and reviews, original manuscripts and drafts, published writings, grant applications, posters, and material related to his and Carole Itter's cabin at Dollarton, North Vancouver, BC.

Fonds has been arranged into the following eight series: Correspondence (1959–2010); Writings (1968–1996); Professional records (1936-2009); Reviews and clippings (1958–2009); Personal records (1940–1994); Photographs ([185-]–[200-]); Videos (1978–2005), and Sound recordings (1976–1987).

Neil, Al
Women in View Festival fonds
MsC-237 · Fonds · 1985-1999

The fonds comprises records made or received in the course of administering and carrying out the Women in View Festival's functions and programs. Most of the records originated with the Board or with Festival employees. Activities documented include media promotion of the Festival board; management of the Festival's finances; evolution of the Festival's organizational structure; production of the Festival's newsletter; committee and annual general meetings and retreats; correspondence; and reports . Records include meeting minutes and supporting papers; correspondence; reports; copies of the Festival newsletter; newspaper clippings; photographs and negatives; video cassettes and audio cassettes.

Women in View Festival
MsC-222 · Collection · c. 1860 - 2010

Collection includes artefacts, textual records, and photographs that document labour history in British Columbia, across Canada, and internationally. Types of artefacts include ribbons, membership and memorial pins, dues buttons, delegate badges, and medals. Textual records include copies of collective bargaining agreements, shop cards, and union constitutions and bylaws. These materials document this history of Canadian and international labour organizations, including the International Typographical Union (the earliest to organize in North America), United Auto Workers, bricklayers, painters, metalworkers, and many others.

Reid family collection
MsC-281 · Collection · 1887-1984

The collection includes 18 annual diaries written by John Dunlop Reid. These diaries span the years 1887-1897, 1900, 1902-1907, 1912. The collection also includes correspondence among members of the Dunlop Reid family, including John Dunlop Reid, his parents and siblings, his spouse Roberta Reid, her parents, cousins, and friends, John and Roberta's children, Fergus Reid and Kenneth Reid, and their children, grandchildren, other relatives, and friends.

Reid family
(f.)Lip Magazine
MsC-213 · Fonds · [198-]-1989

Fonds consists of textual records, including submitted manuscripts, paste-ups, editorial notes, subscriptions, correspondence, and other records related to the periodical (f.)Lip. The fonds has been arranged into the following two series: Editorial files, and Administrative and business files.

(f.)Lip Magazine
Doukhobor collection
MsC-121 · Fonds · 1856-2019

Collection comprises photographs, manuscripts, correspondence, ephemera, books and periodical material resulting from and pertaining to the settlement and subsequent history of Doukhobors in Western Canada. Books and periodical items have been catalogued in the SFU Library Catalogue. Digitized images and accompanying descriptions of a portion of the collection are available on the Doukhobor Collection, 1898-1930 website.

Adeena Karasick fonds
MsC-162 · Fonds · [197-]-2019

Fonds consists of the literary papers, video recordings, slides, posters, promotional material and digital records of Adeena Karasick. Records document her work as a poet and performer, blurring lines between academic discourse and popular culture in the fields of contemporary poetry, poetics and cultural and semiotic theory.

Karasick, Adeena
Roy Kiyooka fonds
MsC-32 · Fonds · 1930-1997, predominant 1970-1990

Fonds consist of materials relating to Kiyooka's work as an artist and writer, principally correspondence and other writings. Also included are photographs, photomontages, financial records, teaching notes, audiotapes and other material.

Kiyooka, Roy
Greg Evans fonds
F-316 · Fonds · 1859-1917

Fonds consists of records made or received by Greg Evans in the course of activities, mainly relating to his research on the history of brewing in BC.

Activities documented include completion of his Master's thesis, his on-going post-thesis research and the unfinished book project; correspondence with brewers and other brewing historians; public speaking engagements and consulting projects; and Evans' involvement with CAMRA and the Great Canadian Beer Festival.

Records consist predominantly of Evans' correspondence, research notes and working papers; drafts and copies of his own writings, including his MA thesis; speaking notes and presentation slides; interview notes and transcriptions; reports, newspaper clippings, copies of articles, and excerpts from books and publications; and archival photographs and textual records, mostly copied from originals held at various archives, museums and libraries.

Fonds is arranged into ten series:

  • Thesis and university work, 1969-1991 (series 1)
  • Book project files, 2011-2016 (series 2)
  • Brewing history research files, [198-]-2017 (series 3)
  • Hops industry research and exhibit files, 1989-2014 (series 4)
  • Public talks and publications (series 5)
  • Correspondence and project files (series 6)
  • Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) files (series 7)
  • Great Canadian Beer Festival files (series 8)
  • Photographs, labels, and graphics (series 9)
  • Brewing reference works (series 10)
Evans, Greg
Rick McGrath fonds
F-295 · Fonds · 1965-2015

Fonds consists of records created, collected, or received by Rick McGrath over the course of his work as an SFU student, writer, editor, and advertiser. Series 1 consists of SFU-related materials, including McGrath's own student records, ephemera, photographs, and publications.

McGrath, Rick
Phoenix Press fonds
MsC-77 · Fonds · 1990-1995

Fonds consists of records relating to the business of Phoenix Press, and the publication of Cougar Hunter: A Memoir of Roderick Haig Brown. Records include a business agreement, correspondence, design and production files, printer proofs with edits and comments, promotional and sales records, cover artwork, and finished book.

Phoenix Press
Heather Haley fonds
MsC-167 · Fonds · 1979-1990

Fonds consists of concert ephemera, posters, promotional material, photographs, correspondence, and audio recordings created and collected by Heather Haley. Records illustrate her involvement in the Vancouver punk scene, including her bands the Zellots, and the 45s. Other notable members from Vancouver punk bands are represented in the photographs and ephemera collected by Haley.

Haley, Heather