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Archival description
Seasonal organizing ideas (Internal S-1 LO-B)
Seasonal organizing ideas (Internal S-1 LO-B)
Family photos
Family photos
Photographs Keenlyside Collection I
Photographs Keenlyside Collection I
Early photographs V
Early photographs V
Speeches and talks
Speeches and talks
[Peter V. Verigin, Anastasia Holoboff, Fedosia Verigina]
[Peter V. Verigin, Anastasia Holoboff, Fedosia Verigina]
Others writing about Verigin
Others writing about Verigin
Postcards Keenlyside Collection III
Postcards Keenlyside Collection III
[Writings, articles, song]
[Writings, articles, song]
[Land Act and other land documents]
[Land Act and other land documents]
Group shots - traditional dress
Group shots - traditional dress
Large format photographs
Large format photographs
Family portraits
Family portraits
[Newspaper clippings relating to Innes paintings]
[Newspaper clippings relating to Innes paintings]
[Nude protests, burning 1920s-1960s]
[Nude protests, burning 1920s-1960s]
William Devitt
William Devitt
[Verigin Fedosia and Hoboloff, Anastasia]
[Verigin Fedosia and Hoboloff, Anastasia]
[Nude protests]
[Nude protests]
At work
At work
[Family keepsakes]
[Family keepsakes]
[Writings, messages]
[Writings, messages]
Group gatherings
Group gatherings
[Miscellaneous (Makortoff family and Doukhobor community)]
[Miscellaneous (Makortoff family and Doukhobor community)]
Early photographs IV
Early photographs IV
[W.T. Arishenkoff's records]
[W.T. Arishenkoff's records]
Postcards Keenlyside Collection II
Postcards Keenlyside Collection II
[Newspaper clipping about Innes’ painting “The End”]
[Newspaper clipping about Innes’ painting “The End”]