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Longstaff, Lori (Vancouver: tile-setter)
Longstaff, Lori (Vancouver: tile-setter)
Millar, Jan (Whitehorse: machinist)
Millar, Jan (Whitehorse: machinist)
Newberry, Jan and Kay Collins (Toronto: carpenters)
Newberry, Jan and Kay Collins (Toronto: carpenters)
Olsen, Janet (Winnipeg: industrial arts teacher)
Olsen, Janet (Winnipeg: industrial arts teacher)
St. Amour, Soulange (Montreal: carpenter)
St. Amour, Soulange (Montreal: carpenter)
Standing, Lyn (Whitehorse: electrician)
Standing, Lyn (Whitehorse: electrician)
Wischnewski, Cora (Montreal: apprentice carpenter)
Wischnewski, Cora (Montreal: apprentice carpenter)
Dickinson, John (Director, School of Kinesiology, SFU)
Dickinson, John (Director, School of Kinesiology, SFU)
Kelly, Bill (mechanical general foreman, Ontario Hydro, Pickering)
Kelly, Bill (mechanical general foreman, Ontario Hydro, Pickering)
Lane, Janet
Lane, Janet
McArthur-Blair, Joan
McArthur-Blair, Joan
Nash, Scott (interviewed by Russell Kelly)
Nash, Scott (interviewed by Russell Kelly)
Faculty hiring issues: Jack Webster radio program
Faculty hiring issues: Jack Webster radio program
Ian Hacking
Ian Hacking
Departmental meeting: audio recording
Departmental meeting: audio recording
Departmental meeting: audio recording
Departmental meeting: audio recording
Departmental meeting: audio recording
Departmental meeting: audio recording
Departmental meeting: audio recording
Departmental meeting: audio recording
AUCE Strikers red t-shirt
AUCE Strikers red t-shirt
W.G. Unruh: Black Holes in Outer Space
W.G. Unruh: Black Holes in Outer Space
Clifford Will: Experimental Verification of General Relativity
Clifford Will: Experimental Verification of General Relativity
Vance Oyama: Mars: Prolog to Life?
Vance Oyama: Mars: Prolog to Life?
V. Baldwin: Why are Children's Diseases Special?
V. Baldwin: Why are Children's Diseases Special?
Werner Israel: Black Holes
Werner Israel: Black Holes
Anne Cowley: It's a Brand New Black Hole
Anne Cowley: It's a Brand New Black Hole
Aganetha Dyck: Nature as Language
Aganetha Dyck: Nature as Language
Don Duvich
Don Duvich
Sue Mayer
Sue Mayer
Prob. Ecological Service
Prob. Ecological Service