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F-31-2-1 · Sub-series · 1972 - 1986
Part of Gordon Shrum collection

Subseries consists of materials used for the writing of Gordon Shrum: An Autobiography with Peter Stursberg, edited by Clive Cocking. This book was conceived by Darrel Zarn of the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies at SFU. He approached Peter Stursberg, an experienced journalist, who conducted a series of oral history interviews with Shrum in 1983. In order to fund the interviews, they were conducted under the oral history program of the Public Archives (now the National Archives) of Canada and the Parliamentary Library. Stursberg also made a 21/2 hour video interview of Shrum at the Instructional Media Centre at SFU. In addition, he interviewed nine of Shrum's friends and Shrum's son to provide material for the books's introduction. Because Stursberg was occupied with other projects, Clive Cocking a Vancouver writer and editor was hired to complete the project. Cocking conducted a series of supplementary interviews in 1985 to clarify statistics and other facts from the oral history interviews. Unfortunately, Shrum passed away suddenly before the manuscript was completed. The finished book appeared in 1986 through the support of SFU and the University of British Columbia.

The subseries contains transcripts, background materials, notes, drafts, U-matic videos, audio reels, and audio cassettes.

Doctoral thesis
F-31-1 · Series · 1922 - 1923
Part of Gordon Shrum collection

Series consists of a bound volume entitled Researches in Physics. The volume contains Gordon Shrum's doctoral thesis, "The Doublet Separation of the Balmer Lines," and two reprints about Shrum's research with his doctoral supervisor, J. C. McLennan, on the liquefaction of hydrogen and helium.

F-31-2-2 · Sub-series · 1973 - 1985
Part of Gordon Shrum collection

The subseries consists of records about the life of Gordon Shrum and includes photographs, transcripts, and a scrapbook. The transcript is from an interview conducted in July 1973 by Allen Specht as part of an oral history project at the University of British Columbia. Although the transcript includes a brief biography of Shrum, the main topic is the Canadian Officers Training Corps.

Gordon Shrum collection
F-31 · Collection · 1922 - 1989

Collection is comprised primarily of interview material in the form of audio and video tapes, transcripts and notes. The material provides both a broad biographical overview of the life and achievements of Gordon Shrum and a description of his work at SFU in particular. The collection includes a copy of Shrum's doctoral thesis and a scrapbook that was given to Gordon Shrum in 1983.

Collection includes textual records, photographs, audio cassettes, audio reels, U-matic video tapes, and VHS video tapes.

Archives and Records Management Department