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Faculty of Arts fonds
F-2 · Fonds · 1965 - 1984

The fonds of the Faculty of Arts consists of records made and received in the course of the administration of the Faculty and the carrying out of its functions. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; approval of curriculum and program recommendations from departments; representation to the Senate and Board of Governors; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; and dispute resolution. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, annual reports, correspondence, faculty files, memoranda, publications, reports, and working papers.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
F-23 · Fonds · 1965 - 1987

Fonds consists of records created and received by the Office of the Dean in administering the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (FIDS) and carrying out its operational functions. Activities and topics documented include the establishment, organization, operation and dissolution of the Faculty; liaison with other units in the University; the development and delivery of courses to undergraduate and graduate students; and the management of teaching personnel. Fonds includes correspondence, reports, agendas and minutes of committee meetings, policies and procedures, faculty case files, course proposals, course descriptions, and other documents.

Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies
F-240 · Fonds · 1960 - 1998

The fonds consists of records made and received by the Institute of Fisheries Analysis in the course of administering its day-to-day operations. Activities and topics documented include the establishment, organization, and operation of the Institute (including its physical space); budget and funding; projects, programs, and agreements; IFA publications and publicity; and student, staff, and IFA member relations. Records in the fonds include correspondence, minutes, contracts, internal directories, reports, discussion papers, subject files (relating to fisheries research), press clippings, and IFA brochures.

Note that the records of the Institute of Fisheries Analysis contain university records from the Centre for Canadian Studies and the Department of Economics and Commerce. This anomaly likely occurred because of Parzival Copes’s involvement as director and instructor within each of these bodies. The records he used would have been maintained together in whichever office he occupied. For further information on these records see the descriptions and notes for Series F-240-5: Centre for Canadian Studies records and Series F-240-6: Department of Economics and Commerce records.

Institute of Fisheries Analysis
F-201 · Fonds · 1977 - 1998

The fonds consists of records made or received by the Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic in the course of its activities. Activities and topics documented include the AVPA's reporting relationship with the VP Academic (meetings and consultations); liaison with other senior university administrators, including the President and other Vice-Presidents; administrative supervision of and correspondence with units reporting to the AVPA; and the AVPA's participation in a number of Senate committees, including the Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries (SPCSAB), the Senate Undergraduate Admissions Board (SUAB), the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (SCUS), the Senate Committee on Academic Planning (SCAP), and the Senate Committee on Enrolment Management and Planning (SCEMP). Records include correspondence, reports, and meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers. For more detailed descriptions of record types, see individual series and sub-series descriptions.

Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic
F-92 · Fonds · 1970 - 1996

The fonds consists of records relating to the activites of the School and its predecessors. Activites and events documented include the evolution of the department's structure, functions and governance; deliberation of School committees; correspondence of the Chair with staff, faculty, other university departments and external organizations; departmental research projects, proposals, and grant applications; curriculum development files and course files; and publications.

Records include correspondence and reports; meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; policies and procedures; course proposals and outlines, lecture notes and planning materials; conference photograph negatives; course guides, newsletters and annual reports (1993-1994).

School of Communication