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J.H. Prynne fonds
MsE-5 · Fonds · [197-?]

The fonds consists of twenty-three sheets of holograph poems and seventy-five sheets of printed poems.

Prynne, J.H.
MsC-50 · Collection · [193?-197?]

The fonds consists of press releases, clippings, typescripts of speeches, photographs, and other material.

International Woodworkers of America Association
Carole Rubin fonds
MsC-258 · Fonds · [200?]

Fonds consists of records created by Carole Rubin while working on her books How to Get Your Lawn off Grass and How to Get Your Lawn and Garden off Drugs . Records include correspondence, manuscripts, and research on pesticide use.

Rubin, Carole
MsC-25 · Collection · [199-?]-[200-?]

The collection consists of copies and a small number of photographs of political cartoons dealing with Canadian and international events that took place from 1759 to 2006. Canadian topics include conscription, immigration, French-language rights, native self-government, imperialism, nationalism, labour conditions, women’s suffrage, and prohibition. The cartoons deal with, among many other topics, the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the French conquest of Algeria, the Cold War, the war in Vietnam, and World Wars I and II. Publication dates of the newspapers and magazines from which the collection was copied range from 1846 to 2006. Dates of the events covered by the cartoons range from the mid-eighteenth century to 2006.

James Hawthornthwaite fonds
MsC-47 · Fonds · 1901-1911

Fonds consists primarily of incoming correspondence addressed to Hawthornthwaite in his capacity as a Member of the Legislative Assembly from his constituents and other residents of British Columbia. The fonds contains a file consisting of legislative bills, resolutions, and acts tabled during Hawthornthwaite's tenure in the Provincial Parliament and other records that Hawthornthwaite made or received in the course of his service to the people of Nanaimo, as well as published records of the legislative assembly of British Columbia for the years 1909 and 1910. The fonds also contains: a certificate for Hawthornthwaite's share in the Western Socialist Publishing Company which published The Western Clarion, the newspaper of the Socialist Party of British Columbia; a postcard depicting Joseph Mairs, one of Hawthornthwaite's contemporaries in the Socialist Party of Canada; and a copy of a book titled The changing order: A study of democracy, given to Hawthornthwaite by his friend Harry Sibble.

Hawthornthwaite, James
Greg Evans fonds
F-316 · Fonds · 1859-1917

Fonds consists of records made or received by Greg Evans in the course of activities, mainly relating to his research on the history of brewing in BC.

Activities documented include completion of his Master's thesis, his on-going post-thesis research and the unfinished book project; correspondence with brewers and other brewing historians; public speaking engagements and consulting projects; and Evans' involvement with CAMRA and the Great Canadian Beer Festival.

Records consist predominantly of Evans' correspondence, research notes and working papers; drafts and copies of his own writings, including his MA thesis; speaking notes and presentation slides; interview notes and transcriptions; reports, newspaper clippings, copies of articles, and excerpts from books and publications; and archival photographs and textual records, mostly copied from originals held at various archives, museums and libraries.

Fonds is arranged into ten series:

  • Thesis and university work, 1969-1991 (series 1)
  • Book project files, 2011-2016 (series 2)
  • Brewing history research files, [198-]-2017 (series 3)
  • Hops industry research and exhibit files, 1989-2014 (series 4)
  • Public talks and publications (series 5)
  • Correspondence and project files (series 6)
  • Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) files (series 7)
  • Great Canadian Beer Festival files (series 8)
  • Photographs, labels, and graphics (series 9)
  • Brewing reference works (series 10)
Evans, Greg
Gilbert Cannan fonds
MsE-2 · Fonds · 1923

The fonds consists of one bound copy of six plays in manuscript. The volume is entitled Mr. Seckers Manuscript, Secker being the prominent British publisher, Martin Secker. According to Seckers handwritten note at the front of the volume, these plays formed part of a volume he published in 1923.

Cannan, Gilbert
MsC 147 · Collection · 1932-1934

The collection offers insight into the imprisonment of the “Sons of Freedom” between 1932 and 1934 at Piers Island Penitentiary. The “Sons of Freedom” Doukhobors began as a small, radical movement to reinvigorate the faith, restore traditional Doukhobor values, and protest the sale of land, education, citizenship and registration of vital statistics. They would achieve infamy through civil disobedience, nude marches, and burnings. In 1932, over 600 Sons of Freedom protestors were convicted of public nudity. As B.C. Penitentiary was unable to handle such a rise in inmate population, a satellite prison under the authority of B.C. Penitentiary was constructed on Piers Island to house these prisoners. The records document how the prison was set up and run and the problems that the federal prison system encountered regarding both staff and prisoners. The correspondence and telegrams shed light on the internal discussions of senior officials concerning the management of the prison and its prisoners.
Fonds consists of correspondence, memoranda, telegrams, and other textual records pertaining to the Piers Island Penitentiary created or accumulated by H. W. Cooper during his career as the warden of B.C. Penitentiaries. The fonds also contains photographs which were all taken at Piers Island. The textual records predominantly consist of letters to and from H. W. Cooper regarding the penitentiary, staff, and prisoners. The records have been arranged into the following two series: Correspondence and other documents (1932-1934); and Photographs ([between 1932 and 1934]).

George S. Forsythe fonds
MsC-45 · Fonds · [between 1900 and 1935]

The fonds includes photographs and examples of the stock sold by the company including ruled account books, greeting cards, religious books, and games.

G.S. Forsythe & Co.
Robert Connell fonds
MsC-44 · Fonds · 1933-1937

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts of radio addresses, etc.

Connell, Robert
Paul St. Pierre fonds
MsC-88 · Fonds · 1940-

The collection consists of items related to St. Pierre's writing activities and to his work as a politician and police commissioner. Included are published books; magazines and newspapers in which St. Pierre has published his work; correspondence; drafts and manuscripts of books, radio and stage plays, television series episodes, and speeches; film scripts; newspaper columns; essays; reviews and articles about St. Pierre and his writing; and photographs.

St. Pierre, Paul H.
MsC-140 · Collection · 17 Feb. 1942-10 Nov. 1943

Covering the time period from February 1942 to November 1943, the collection consists of records created or received by various staff of the Department of Mines and Resources, Surveys and Engineering Branch in the course of their activities establishing, administering and operating road work camps for evacuated male Japanese Canadian nationals along the proposed route of the Yellowhead Highway between Blue River, British Columbia and Jasper, Alberta. Also included among the files are some records of Department of Public Works staff pertaining to their role in the establishment of the camps, as well as a significant amount of correspondence with the British Columbia Security Commission (B.C.S.C) and related records. In addition to documenting the evacuation of Japanese Canadians from the B.C. coast to interior road work camps and other areas in early 1942, and many of the activities and events that occurred in the camps, the records also provide evidence of the economic and labour conditions in British Columbia during World War II.

Records within the collection pertain to the following road work camps: Albreda, Black Spur, Blacks Spit, Blue River, Gosnell, Grantbrook, Lampriere, Lucerne, Pratt, Pyramid, Rainbow, Red Pass, Red Sands, Tete Jaune / Yellowhead, and Thunder River in British Columbia, and Geikie, Jasper and Decoigne in Alberta. In addition, some records reference detention camps at Greenwood, Kaslo, Lemon Creek, New Denver, Roseberry, Sandon, and Slocan.

Record types include correspondence, reports, lists, nominal rolls, bills of lading, invoices, operational memos, purchase orders, and balance sheets. A significant number of records relate to the establishment and ongoing supply of the road work camps; these include supply orders and invoices, architectural plans for camp buildings, and status and other reports concerning the preparation of camps. Administrative personnel records document the hiring, management and activities of non-Japanese Canadian road camp workers, such as foremen, sub-foremen, and carpenters, and include information pertaining to the previous work and life experiences of these men, their age, ‘character,’ medical conditions, and home address, as well as positions and wages expected and received.

Many records within the fonds relate to the management of Japanese Canadian road camp workers, including the administration of pay, Workmens’ Compensation claims, and payment of assignment fees for dependents; medical and perceived psychological issues and the treatment of such issues; and the movement of Japanese Canadian men between camps and the policies and procedures governing these movements. This includes records pertaining to the granting of temporary leave, transfer to other camps or areas, family re-unification, the release of workers to private jobs, either within B.C. or in another province such as Ontario or Alberta, and the attitudes of certain communities towards Japanese Canadians. Correspondence in several files relates to supervisors’ attitudes towards road camp workers, including those identified as agitators or troublesome, and the methods used to deal with them, such as transfer out of camp and the censorship of Japanese Canadian mail. Included also are records relating to the organization and collective resistance of Japanese Canadian road camp workers, their demands, complaints and refusals to work, and the techniques identified to deal with these situations.

Several files include nominal roles and other lists of Japanese Canadian and other road camp workers, including some or all of the following personal information: name, registration number, occupation, previous work experience, age, place of birth, address, marital status, number of dependents, ‘physical defects’ and medical, dental or mental health issues. Some correspondence from Japanese Canadian road camp workers to camp administrators provides insight into their lives both in camp and prior to evacuation.

Canada. Department of Mines and Resources. Surveys and Engineering Branch.
Thomas Carnie fonds
MsC-65 · Fonds · 1942-1943

The fonds consists of a journal of Carnie's experience in Canadian Armed Forces in World War II. Includes photographs, medals, etc.

Carnie, Thomas
John Innes fonds
MsC-144 · Fonds · [after 1880]-1945

The fonds consists of records relating primarily to Innes’ drawing, painting, and writing. Records include original cartoons, publications containing Innes’ work, a chapbook, exhibit programs and reviews, and images of Innes’ paintings, as well as photographs of Innes, biographical material, and a patent agreement.

The fonds has been arranged into six series: Records relating to Innes’ paintings ([190-?]-1943); Illustrations and cartoons ([between 1880 and 1941]); Publications (1900-[ca. 1934]); Photographs of Innes ([192-?-193-?]); Patent (1 Feb. 1919); and Records relating to Innes created after his death ([1941]-1945).

Innes, John Clarke
MsC-43 · Collection · [1940?-1945?]

The collection consists of pamphlets, posters, leaflets and scattered newspapers and periodicals in French and German. The bulk of the material concerns the Vichy government of France; the remainder includes anti-German and anti-Vichy government propaganda circulated by the French Resistance, the Austrian Liberation Front, etc.

MsC- 215 · Collection · [ca.1908-1945?]

This collection consists of 15 photographs, as well as a postcard. Subject matter is pertaining to Japanese Canadians in the decades leading up to, and including, the Second World War. Content has been divided into 2 identifiable series: Photographs (ca.1925-1945?) and Correspondence (1908).

Ian Walker fonds
MsC-51 · Fonds · 1938-1951

The fonds consists of sheet music, pipe band directories, paintings, photographs and other material.

Walker, Carl Ian
MsC-83 · Collection · 1939-1951

Collection consist of books, newspaper clippings and photographs related to the life of de Mishaegen, and letters from de Mishaegen to de Trémaudan. Books by both women are included.

de Trémaudan, Berthe
Robert Creeley fonds
MsA-6 · Fonds · 1950-1954

Fonds consists of 63 letters and 1 postcard sent by Creeley to Richard Wirtz Emerson of Golden Goose Press, publisher of Creeleys Le Fou (1952); also typescripts of poems, stories and essays sent with the letters.

Creeley, Robert
Trevor Blakemore collection
MsC-66 · Collection · 1933-1958

Collection consists of typescript, manuscript and handwritten poems, wartime letters between Trevor Blakemore and Philip Godfray, between Ann Driver (Blakemore) and Philip Godfray, between Ann Driver (Blakemore) and Madame Godfray, and a memorial service program for Trevor Blakemore. Correspondence reflects themes such as British literary clubs, the wartime attitudes of the Blakemores, BBC wartime broadcasts and the evacuation of children from Nazi-occupied Channel Islands.

Godfray, Philip
George Kuthan collection
MsC-143 · Collection · 1959

This collection consists of pen and brush drawings based on the flora (fungi, wildflowers, trees) and fauna (butterflies, owls, foxes, birds, and insects) of British Columbia. The representations are from different locations in B.C.: Bridge River, Williams Lake, Manning Park, and Vancouver. The records have been arranged in the following five series: Wildflowers of British Columbia: Bridge River (1959); Wildflowers of British Columbia: Williams Lake (1959); Wildflowers of British Columbia: Manning Park (1959); Wildflowers of British Columbia: Vancouver (1959); and Wildflowers of British Columbia: General (1959).

Kuthan, George
Ezra Pound collection
MsA-4 · Fonds · 1946-1959

The collection consists of correspondence written by Ezra Pound while in St. Elizabeth's Hospital to Denis Goacher, a British writer, concerning publishing projects and publicity schemes to secure Pound's release (1952-1957), to Pound's long-time friends Wyndham Lewis and Agnes Bedford (1946-1959), and to Willis Hawley, a sinologist, concerning linguistic and technical details involved with the publication of "Confucius: The Great Digest and Unwobbling Pivot" (1951). Some of the correspondence to Hawley was written by Dorothy Pound and James Laughlin.

Pound, Ezra Loomis
Irving Layton fonds
MsC-16 · Fonds · 1960-1961

The fonds consists of correspondence to and from Irving Layton relating to Jennings' writing of an essay on Layton. Fonds includes a copy of the essay entitled "Existentialism in Irving Layton".

Layton, Irving
MsC-153 · Fonds · [ca. 1961]

Fonds consists of 22 linocut blocks created by Bev Leech in 1961, as a senior thesis project at the Vancouver School of Art (now Emily Carr University of Art and Design) to produce the book, A Glossary of Typographical Terms by Simon Oliver.

Leech, Beverley Blackmore
Clayton Eshleman fonds
MsA-9 · Fonds · 1959-1961

The fonds consists of incoming correspondence (some accompanied by poems) to Eshleman by Allen Ginsberg, W.C. Williams and Florence Williams, Robert Duncan and Edward Dorn. Fonds includes some outgoing correspondence to Asphodel Bookstore in Cleveland, Ohio.

Eshleman, Clayton
Lionel Kearns fonds
MsC-4 · Fonds · 1961-1963

The fonds consists of essays on the poetics of Charles Olson and Kearns' own "stacked verse", manuscripts of early poems, and correspondence with editors of various little magazines. Correspondents include George Bowering.

Kearns, Lionel
Carol Berge fonds
MsA-27 · Fonds · 1964

The fonds consists of a typescript copy of the poem "Chant for Half the World".

Berge, Carol
Ed Dorn fonds
MsA-8 · Fonds · 1962-1964

The fonds consists of letters sent to British poet Tom Raworth, a manuscript of Dorn's book "Gloucester Out" and other material.

Dorn, Edward
Gregory Corso fonds
MsA-3 · Fonds · 1964

The fonds consists of incoming correspondence, five manuscript poems and other material.

Corso, Gregory