Series consists of case files relating to recidivists, also known as 'habituals', also known as repeat offenders, those individuals who were convicted of a crime, released from prison, and then rearrested for a similar arrest. Case files include notes made by case workers during regular meetings with recidivists in some cases over decades. Files are arranged alphabetically by individual name but for privacy reasons file titles are limited to acronyms for this series.
Sub-series consists of the publications published by housepress from 1997 through 2004. Individual publications are listed in the attached pdf bibliography.
Sub-series consists of files of editorial correspondence, submissions and marked proofs of housepress publications.
Sub-series includes records generated from the administration of housepress and includes the housepress minute book, permission files, ISBN log, grant application, correspondence, one photograph and publicity clippings.
Sub-series consists of records documenting the financial operation of housepress, including invoices, bank statements, bank books, check stubs, notices of assessment, and receipts.
Sub-series consists of electronic backups of housepress’s administrative and manuscript files.
Sub-series consists of the housepress sign, as well as linocuts, stamps and a seal used in the production of housepress chapbooks.
Sub-series consists of poetry and book files for titles written or edited by Beaulieu, including "With Wax," "How to Write," and "Rush: What Fuckan Theory."
Sub-series contains drafts and accompanying correspondence about articles, talks and essays written by Beaulieu.
Sub-series contains research and project files for Derek Beaulieu’s MA thesis on the TISH poets, and annotated drafts of his PhD dissertation on concrete poetry and conceptual writing.
Sub-series contains works written and/or produced by students of Derek Beaulieu, from institutions such as Alberta College of Art & Design, Henry Wise Wood Senior High School and the Writers Guild of Alberta. These publications reflect Beaulieu’s teaching and his approach to independent publishing.
Sub-series consists of correspondence and unpublished manuscripts from writers such as Helen Hajnoczky, Eric Zboya, Pete Spence, Jordan Scott and Mark Laliberte. Series also includes a publication edited by Christian Bök and produced in an edition of forty copies for Beaulieu’s fortieth birthday.
Sub-series consists of unique handmade books made by Derek Beaulieu. One book contains seven photographs glued to its pages.
Subseries consists of four handwritten notebooks with drafts and notes related to the novel Tamarind Mem.
Subseries consists of two drafts and one copy edited by Worldplay Creative Services of the novel Tamarind Mem. It also includes correspondence with the Bukowski Agency related to the possibility of a Tamarind Mem film
Subseries consists of articles and reviews of the novel Tamarind Mem published in Canadian and international magazines and newspapers
Subseries consists of three handwritten notebooks with drafts and notes related to the novel The Hero’s Walk.
Subseries consists of three drafts of the novel The Hero’s Walk edited by Algonquin Books USA and Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Subseries consists of articles and reviews of the novel The Hero’s Walk published in Canadian and international magazines and newspapers. It also includes Italian articles on Anita Rau Badami as winner of Berto Prize with her novel The Hero’s Walk
Subseries consists of five handwritten notebooks with drafts and notes related to the novel Can You Hear the Nightbird Call?
Subseries consists of multiple drafts, not always completed and organized, of the novel Can You Hear the Nightbird Call?
Subseries consists of articles and reviews of the novel Can You Hear the Nightbird Call? published in Canadian and international magazines and newspapers.
Badami, Anita Rau