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Continuing Studies fonds
F-94 · Fonds · 1965 - 2004

The fonds consists of records relating to the development and administration of the Continuing Studies program and its predecessors. Activities, topics and events documented include the Dean's correspondence with university departments, faculties, and external organizations; participation on university and inter-university committees on continuing education; development of credit and non-credit courses, programs, seminars, workshops, and conferences; and publications.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; budgets and financial working papers; contracts; teaching and program evaluations; course outlines, proposals, and planning materials; and publications including course calendars, oversized posters, brochures, and journals. Also included are photographs, contact sheets and one artifact.

Continuing Studies
F-93 · Fonds · 1970 - 1999

The fonds consists of records relating to the activities of the School and its predecessors. Activities and events documented include the evolution of the School's structure, functions and governance; deliberation of committees; correspondence of the Director with staff, faculty, university departments and external organizations; grants, scholarships, and research projects; computing laboratories and facility files; curriculum development and course files.

Records include budget and financial working papers; correspondence and reports; meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; policies and procedures; course proposals and outlines; lecture notes and planning materials; and publications including course guides, brochures, student society newsletters and annual reports.

School of Computing Science
F-92 · Fonds · 1970 - 1996

The fonds consists of records relating to the activites of the School and its predecessors. Activites and events documented include the evolution of the department's structure, functions and governance; deliberation of School committees; correspondence of the Chair with staff, faculty, other university departments and external organizations; departmental research projects, proposals, and grant applications; curriculum development files and course files; and publications.

Records include correspondence and reports; meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; policies and procedures; course proposals and outlines, lecture notes and planning materials; conference photograph negatives; course guides, newsletters and annual reports (1993-1994).

School of Communication
F-91 · Fonds · 1963-2023, predominant 1963-1995

Fonds consists of records relating to University ceremonies created by the Office of Ceremonies since 1982, and before that time, by the Registrar's Office and the President's Office. Activities and topics documented include the opening ceremonies for SFU in 1965, convocations, awards ceremonies, building and room openings and dedications, donor recognition events, staff recognition events, installations of presidents and chancellors, university anniversaries, and other special ceremonies.

Records include programs, books of words (order of proceedings), invitations, guest lists, correspondence, notes, press clippings, news releases, publications, photographic material, and other documents.

Ceremonies and Events Office
F-90 · Fonds · 1965 - 2001, predominant 1965 - 1987

The fonds consists of records made or received by the Art Gallery in the process of carrying out is functions. Activities and events documented include the evolution of the Gallery's structure, functions and governance; management of the Gallery's budget; deliberations of advisory committees; correspondence of the director with other university departments and the community; and the production of numerous art exhibitions. Records include correspondence, reports, agendas, minutes, budget summaries, exhibition programs and flyers, lists and forms relating to exhibitions, news clippings, and other documents.

Simon Fraser University Gallery
F-9 · Fonds · 1976 - 1987

The fonds of the Vancouver Women in Trades Association consists of records created and received in the course of administering the organization and providing support and advocacy for women working in trades and technology in the Vancouver area. Activities documented include annual and monthly meetings; office administration and funding; liaison with other groups; advisory work on vocational curricula; outreach projects; and advocacy around specific issues. Document types include constitution, minutes, correspondence, logbooks, worksheets, policy statements, briefs, reports, speeches, questionnaires, and photographs and illustrations. The fonds also contains published reference material, whose publication dates in some instances precede the foundation of the Association itself.

Vancouver Women in Trades
F-86 · Fonds · 1968 - 2006, predominant 1968 - 2000

The fonds consists of records relating to the administration of the Office of the Vice-President, Research. Activities, topics and events documented include correspondence with university departments, research centres and institutes, and members of the larger university community on research-related topics; liaison with the local and national research industry and the government; reports on SFU-based research projects and initiatives; and financial records including budget reports and grant applications. Also included are records of the Vice-President's involvement on university, industry and government committees. The fonds also has records relating to Bruce Clayman's term as both the Vice-President, Research and Dean of Graduate Studies.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; budgets and financial working papers; contracts; and publications including newsletters, posters, brochures and directories.

Office of the Vice-President, Research
F-85 · Fonds · 1965 - 2009, predominant 1965 - 1992

The fonds consists of five series. Series 1 contains material sent to Registrar Harry Evans from 1969-1970 regarding the crisis in the Department of Political Science Sociology, and Anthropology. Series 2 consists of five subject files concerning topics of interest to Registrars D.P. Robertson and Harry Evans. Series 3 contains records from the Academic Advice Centre. Series 4 contains records from Financial Aid. Series 5 contains publications produced by the Registrar's Office. Records include correspondence, press releases, newspapers, committee lists and terms of reference, minutes, reports, statistics, policies, organization charts, manuals, notes, and other documents. Also includes registrar's publications, such as admissions information booklets, timetables, and calendars.

Registrar's Office
Senate fonds
F-84 · Fonds · 1964 - 1996

The fonds consists primarily of agendas, minutes and supporting papers from the various committees of Senate. In addition, the fonds contains a series of Registrar's Senate correspondence concerning administrative matters and a series of subject files kept by the Registrar on topics of interest to Senate. Finally, the fonds includes a series of Senate reference files compiled by previous Archives staff for informational purposes. Document types include agendas, minutes, supporting papers, correspondence, terms of reference, reports, briefs, proposals, policies, statistics, lists, publications, handbooks, drafts, notes, working papers and other documents.

Note: The records of the full Senate (agendas, minutes and papers) are held by the Senate Secretariat; a vital records set of agendas, minutes and papers is held in archival storage and is not accessible. Researchers wishing to inspect Senate agendas, minutes and papers should consult the Senate Secretariat.

Ellen Frank fonds
F-82 · Fonds · 1974 - 1984

Fonds consists of records created, received and collected by Ellen Frank in her involvement in the women's movement in Vancouver. Activities documented include participation in the Association of University and College Employees (AUCE), the British Columbia Federation of Women (BCFW), the Solidarity Coalition, and activities relating to a number of other feminist organizations, issues, and actions. Includes correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda, reports, briefs, newsletters, press releases, notebooks, press clippings, project proposals, posters, and pamphlets.

Frank, Ellen
F-80 · Fonds · 1960 - 1995

Fonds consists of records created by the predecessor bodies of Recreational Services and Athletics. Activities and topics documented include the development of departmental policies, and objectives; the maintenance of facilities; departmental and university committees; the intercollegiate athletics program; the recreation program; the operation of athletic and recreational workshops and courses; departmental publications and publicity; and the responsibilities and operations of the Sports Information Office.

The predominant document types that comprise the fonds include correspondence; policy and procedure statements; agendas and minutes; reports; proposals; travel itineraries; schedules; rosters; statistics; news releases; press clippings; programs; newsletters; posters; films; and photographic material.

Recreational Services and Athletics
F-8 · Fonds · 1964 - 1984

The fonds of the Department of Economics consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curricula and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; departmental reviews; and the publication of reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, case files, memoranda, and reports.

Department of Economics
F-79 · Fonds · 1963 - 1991

The fonds consist of records created, received, and collected by the Simon Fraser University Faculty Association in carrying out its functional activities. Includes records relating to its Constitution and by-laws, policy development, correspondence, general and special meetings, the executive committee, standing and ad hoc committees, and publications.

Simon Fraser University Faculty Association
F-78 · Fonds · 1965 - 1977

Fonds consists of records created and received by the Simon Fraser University Women's Association in carrying out its objectives. Includes constitution and by-laws, executive lists, minutes of executive and general meetings, reports, membership lists, correspondence, newsletters, mailing lists, and records reflecting the association's activities, such as the organization of the annual Christmas party.

Simon Fraser University Faculty Women's Association
F-77 · Collection · 1984 - 1987

The Indo-Canadian Oral History Collection documents the histories of immigrants from the Punjab Province of India who came to Canada between 1912 and 1938. The project was initiated by Hari Sharma, Professor of Sociology at SFU, who conducted the interviews with the assistance of a graduate student.

The interview subjects, primarily Sikhs, discuss such topics as why they came to Canada, the journey to Canada, adjustment to Canadian society upon arrival, employment in Canada, family life, and their ongoing links with their country of origin. Appendices include an interview guide prepared by Hari Sharma and an article about the project.

Sharma, Hari
F-76 · Fonds · 1974 - 1996

The fonds consists of records created, received and collected by the Port Coquitlam Area Women's Centre in carrying out their objectives. Records reflect the administration and organization of the centre; financial arrangements and funding; projects, programs and activities the centre is involved with; its relationship with other feminist organizations; and publications. Includes constitution, by-laws, minutes of general meetings, minutes of steering committee meetings, membership lists, reports, financial records, correspondence, and publications.

Port Coquitlam Area Women's Centre
F-75 · Fonds · 1974 - 1980

The fonds consists of records created and received by the Women's Studies Association of British Columbia in carrying out its objectives. Includes constitution and by-laws, minutes, correspondence, conference registration forms, conference minutes, papers, membership lists, and publications.

Women's Studies Association of British Columbia
F-74 · Fonds · 1964 - 2009

Fonds consists of records created, received, and collected by the Simon Fraser Student Society and its affiliated groups on campus in the course of administration of student government and business. Included are records relating to the Constitution, minutes of Executive meetings, the Executive, finance and budgets, campus committees, elections, student unions, clubs and affiliated groups, publications, subject files, and audio material.

Simon Fraser Student Society
F-73 · Collection · 1969 - 1970

Collection consists of two scrapbooks. One scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and other material that documents the Abortion Caravan to Ottawa in 1970. The second scrapbook documents Janiel Jolley as a protest candidate of the Simon Fraser Student Society for Miss Canadian University Beauty.

Hollibaugh, Marge
F-72 · Collection · 1979

The Dance in Vancouver collection consists of interviews by Karen Greenhough with eight dance pioneers in British Columbia. The project was suggested by Greenhough's instructor, Iris Garland, SFU Professor of Dance, who obtained support through a Young Canada Works Grant.

The collection consists of seven interviews. Dancers interviewed include Kay Armstrong, Dorothy Hunter, Beth Lockhart, Grace MacDonald, June Roper, Josephine Slater, Dorothy Wilson, and Wynne Shaw. For one of the sessions, Greenhough interviewed two women (Dorothy Wilson and Wynne Shaw) at the same time.

Greenhough, Karen
F-71 · Collection · 1965 - 1968

Evelyn Woods was a mature student who entered the University to complete a teaching certificate. She befriended early staff members of The Peak student newspaper and often brought them cakes and other treats. In return, when she completed her studies in 1968, Peak staffers gave her a scrapbook as a souvenir.

Collection consists of one scrapbook of news clippings, and selected issues of The Tartan, SF View, The Peak and other memorabilia.

Woods, Evelyn
Allan B. Cunningham fonds
F-70 · Fonds · 1961 - 1989

Fonds consists primarily of the personal and professional correspondence of Allan Cunningham and a collection of historical essays about SFU.

Cunningham, Allan B.
School of Criminology fonds
F-7 · Fonds · 1972 - 1985

The fonds of the School of Criminology consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the School and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; and the publication of brochures and reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, correspondence, memoranda, pamphlets and reports.

School of Criminology
F-69 · Collection · 1983

Sue Cox was an undergraduate student at SFU, who was a student in one of Maggie Benston's classes. The collection consists of handwritten class notes and reprints from Maggie Benston's first offering of the course, "Women, Science and Technology," (WS 204-3).

The collection consists of one file.

Cox, Sue
F-68 · Fonds · 1967 - 1968

Fonds consists of records arising from the creation of the Non-Faculty Teachers Association. Fonds includes a constitution, and correspondence.

The fonds consists of one file.

Non-Faculty Teachers Association
F-67 · Collection · 1978-2016, predominant 1978-1980

The Women's Labour History Project documents the histories of women who were active in the trade union movement in British Columbia from 1890s onwards. The project was initiated by Sara Diamond, an undergraduate history student at SFU, who conducted the interviews. She received financial support from the British Columbia Summer Youth Employment Fund. Additional funding was received from many other sources, including The Canada Council, and the Federal Department of Human Resources. Diamond provides a description of her research methodology in a report included as Appendix A1, "Women's Labour History Project" (available in the hard-copy finding aid only).

The collection consists of 43 interviews conducted by Sara Diamond with women in the labour movement in British Columbia. The women discuss their childhoods, family lives, careers, social issues such as childcare and birth control, economic situations such as the depresssion and post-war employment, and the working conditions that led them to become union activists. A summary of each interview is provided in Appendix 1, "Women's Labour History Project" (available in hard-copy finding aid only).

The collection contains audio recordings and transcripts.

Diamond, Sara
Gillian Stainsby fonds
F-66 · Fonds · 1988 - 1989

Fonds consists of transcripts and cassettes arising from Stainsby's master's thesis. Descriptive information for individual interviews has been transcribed from original cassette covers; see in the hard-copy finding aid Appendix 5 and item-level descriptions.

Stainsby, Gillian
F-65 · Fonds · 1929 - 1998

Fonds consists of records made, received, and collected by Patrick McTaggart-Cowan in both his personal and professional life. Records document McTaggart-Cowan's work in Newfoundland both before and during W.W.II, his time with the Meteorological Service of Canada, as President of Simon Fraser University, as head of the Science Council, as head of Task Force Operation Oil and his activities after he retired. Also includes personal records relating to family, education, friends, and personal interests.

Includes autobiographical records, correspondence, diaries, journals, scrapbooks, notepads, financial records, speeches, publications, photographs, and artifacts.

McTaggart-Cowan, Patrick
F-64 · Fonds · 1969 - 1988

Fonds consists of records created or received by the Centre for Canadian Studies in the course of administering its program and carrying out its operational functions. Activities and topics documented include the establishment, organization, and operation of the Centre, and the development and delivery of courses to undergraduate students. Fonds includes Canadian Studies Steering Committee agendas, minutes, and related papers; correspondence; reports; course proposals and descriptions; and other documents.

Centre for Canadian Studies