Item is a photograph print of an unknown couple holding a baby boy. A Christmas tree and gifts are visible in the background.
Photograph has been assigned the item number MsC 101.1.
Item is a photograph of a woman wearing a tartan coat outside. Mountains, trees, and the ocean can be seen behind her.
Item is a photograph of an enlarged portion of the map used to represent Eagleridge Bluffs and Betty Krawczyk’s involvement in a protest.
Item is a photograph print of a man posing outside with his arms crossed and eyes closed.
Item is a photograph print of a woman dressed as Santa beside a Christmas tree and posing with a youth.
Item is a journal with drawings of faces. Each face has a name on top. Inside the journal there is a loose paper on which is written “pamphlets, petitions, etc. Material for distribution.”
Item is a flag similar to the United States flag where instead of the stars there are the symbols of large corporations.
Item is a photograph of a clear-cut area in a forest.
Item is a negative of Betty Krawczyk posing with one other prison inmate while holding a cake outside.
Photograph has been assigned the item number MsC 101.10.