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Zoltan Kiss fonds
F-48 · Fonds · [196-] - 1981

Fonds consists of Zoltan Kiss's architectural drawings and plans for the Academic Quadrangle and student residences at Simon Fraser University.

Kiss, Zoltan
Yvonne Klan fonds
MsC-135 · Fonds · [199?]-[200?]

Fonds consists of records reflecting Yvonne Klan's research into the history of the fur trade, the British Columbia opium trade, James Murray Yale, B.C.'s First Nations, and pioneer poets. Records include copies of her published works, travel notes, radio scripts and publishing proposals.

Klan, Yvonne Mearns
Writing in Our Time fonds
MsC-82 · Fonds · 1978-1979

Records consist of material gathered and created by Rose Marie Trembley at and in the lead-up to Vancouver's Writing in Our Time reading series. Records include newsletters, posters, brochures, minutes, press releases, correspondence, and several photographs of readers and events taken by Rose Marie Tremblay. Writing in Our Time was a reading series organized by the Vancouver Poetry Centre in 1979 to benefit West Coast literary presses, especially Blew Ointment Press. Poets who read at the event include George Bowering, Fred Wah, Frank Davey, Daphne Marlatt, Victor Coleman, Gerry Gilbert, bill bissett, Robert Creeley, Ed Dorn, Ann Waldman, and Michael McClure.

Tremblay, Rose Marie
MsC-43 · Collection · [1940?-1945?]

The collection consists of pamphlets, posters, leaflets and scattered newspapers and periodicals in French and German. The bulk of the material concerns the Vichy government of France; the remainder includes anti-German and anti-Vichy government propaganda circulated by the French Resistance, the Austrian Liberation Front, etc.

Working Women Unite fonds
F-45 · Fonds · 1976 - 1982

Fonds consists of records created, received and collected by Working Women Unite. Records reflect the activities and functional responsibilities of Working Women Unite and groups associated with them, such as the BCFW and SORWUC. Includes correspondence, minutes, agendas, bulletins, newsletters, financial records, membership lists, reports, convention proceedings, and articles.

Working Women Unite
F-75 · Fonds · 1974 - 1980

The fonds consists of records created and received by the Women's Studies Association of British Columbia in carrying out its objectives. Includes constitution and by-laws, minutes, correspondence, conference registration forms, conference minutes, papers, membership lists, and publications.

Women's Studies Association of British Columbia
F-73 · Collection · 1969 - 1970

Collection consists of two scrapbooks. One scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and other material that documents the Abortion Caravan to Ottawa in 1970. The second scrapbook documents Janiel Jolley as a protest candidate of the Simon Fraser Student Society for Miss Canadian University Beauty.

Hollibaugh, Marge
F-165 · Collection · 1969 - 1976

In 1970 Candace Parker was a member of the Vancouver Women's Caucus and a graduate student at the University of British Columbia. For a sociology class, Parker and Sibylle Klein wrote an essay, "Developing An Ideology: the Feminist Movement in North America," which drew upon Parker's experiences in Women's Caucus. Candace Parker was also interviewed by Frances Wasserlein and the transcript of that interview is contained in the Frances Wasserlein fonds, F-162.

The collection consists of research material collected by Candace Parker in the course of preparing her essay plus some additional feminist literature acquired afterwards. Includes notes and drafts, news clippings, reprints, broadsheets, position papers, briefs, newsletters, and newspapers.

Parker, Candace
F-166 · Collection · 1969 - 1975

Fonds consists of material acquired by Anne Roberts as a member of Vancouver Women's Caucus. Includes minutes, correspondence, flyers, pamphlets, reprints, news clippings, briefs, position papers, copies of The Pedestal, and other documents.

Roberts, Anne
F-164 · Collection · 1967 - 1999

Fonds contains material relating to Lebowitz's career at SFU and her participation in the Corrective Collective, a feminist writing group active in the 1970s. Fonds includes correspondence, minutes, proposals, publications, newspapers, invoices, receipts, a ledger, and other documents.

Lebowitz, Andrea
F-101 · Fonds · 1981 - 1999

The fonds of the Women's Monument Project consists of records created and received in the course of carrying out the Project. Activities documented include Committee and sub-committee meetings, fundraising events, groundbreaking and unveiling ceremonies, site selection, dedication, language selection, design selection, construction, and gallery exhibits.

Includes proposals, reports, minutes, correspondence, speeches, published materials, press releases, news clippings, design competition guidelines, design submissions, construction contracts, Monument inscriptions, drawings, site maps, photographs and slides, videotapes, a cloth banner, and the original maquette and artwork of the winning design by Beth Alber.

Women's Monument Project
F-67 · Collection · 1978-2016, predominant 1978-1980

The Women's Labour History Project documents the histories of women who were active in the trade union movement in British Columbia from 1890s onwards. The project was initiated by Sara Diamond, an undergraduate history student at SFU, who conducted the interviews. She received financial support from the British Columbia Summer Youth Employment Fund. Additional funding was received from many other sources, including The Canada Council, and the Federal Department of Human Resources. Diamond provides a description of her research methodology in a report included as Appendix A1, "Women's Labour History Project" (available in the hard-copy finding aid only).

The collection consists of 43 interviews conducted by Sara Diamond with women in the labour movement in British Columbia. The women discuss their childhoods, family lives, careers, social issues such as childcare and birth control, economic situations such as the depresssion and post-war employment, and the working conditions that led them to become union activists. A summary of each interview is provided in Appendix 1, "Women's Labour History Project" (available in hard-copy finding aid only).

The collection contains audio recordings and transcripts.

Diamond, Sara
F-117 · Fonds · 1976 - 1977

Fonds consists of records generated by the Women's Cultural Exchange in the process of establishing the society, finding a location, opening, and using the space to fulfill their mandate to provide a cultural centre for women. Records reflect the incorporation of the society, minutes of meetings, membership, events, and finances. Includes constitution, certificates of incorporation, minutes, agenda, correspondence, membership lists, account book, scrap book, and ephemera.

Women's Cultural Exchange
Women's Bookstore collection
F-111 · Collection · 1937 - 2018, predominant 1937-1997

The Women's Bookstore collection consists of materials relating to the operation of several Vancouver women's organizations and reflects the issues that dominated the women's movement throughout the 1970s. Consistent with the community based nature of women's movements during this period, the scope and content of the collection reflects the diversity common to a phenomenon rather than the administrative and subject coherence found in records generated by a single organization. As such, the collection as whole gains its coherence due primarily to the interdependence rather than independence of the individual items to one another. This also applies to the records generated by autonomous organizations in the collection. While the different organizations should be regarded as distinct, a good deal of the records concern the communication between various organizations and women's groups across the country or identify issues of concern to a broad range of organizations. Thus, the collection as whole should be regarded as a record of a dynamic process in which a common ideology served to unify the aims of distinctive organizations, persons, and subjects.

The collection is comprised of the records of the Women's Bookstore, Women's Caucus, A Woman's Place, Transition House, the British Columbia Federation of Women and the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery. Includes constitutions, minutes, reports, correspondence, position papers, and sound recordings. Also includes newsletters from women's centres across British Columbia and Canada, subject files, and an assortment of feminist publications.

Women in View Festival fonds
MsC-237 · Fonds · 1985-1999

The fonds comprises records made or received in the course of administering and carrying out the Women in View Festival's functions and programs. Most of the records originated with the Board or with Festival employees. Activities documented include media promotion of the Festival board; management of the Festival's finances; evolution of the Festival's organizational structure; production of the Festival's newsletter; committee and annual general meetings and retreats; correspondence; and reports . Records include meeting minutes and supporting papers; correspondence; reports; copies of the Festival newsletter; newspaper clippings; photographs and negatives; video cassettes and audio cassettes.

Women in View Festival
William Stafford collection
MsA-22 · Collection · 1961-1973

Fonds consists of correspondence, handwritten poems, a newspaper clipping and an essay written by William Stafford and mailed to former SFU professor Frederick Candelaria. Photographs of manuscript pages are also included.

Stafford, William
William Hoffer fonds
MsC-90 · Fonds · 1893, 1967-1993, predominant 1980-1993

Fonds consists of records reflecting Hoffer`s bookselling and publishing activities during the 1980s. Records include correspondence, fiscal files, client files, journals, book catalogues, galleys, proofsheets, critical pieces, articles, and review. The fonds is composed of the following series: Series 1. Correspondence, Series 2. Publication files, Series 3. Business files, Series 4, Miscellaneous.

Hoffer, William
MsC-276 · Collection · 1970-1982

The negatives depict Hudson in his shops in Vancouver (Cambie Street and later Marine Drive), as manager of the Kingait print cooperative at Kinngait (previously Cape Dorest), and socializing in Vancouver, Burnaby and Powell River.
The individuals depicted in the photos, sometimes identified by first name in the file titles, include:
Wil Hudson
Keith, Betty and Brendan Shields
Fritz Jacobsen
Bill Shoebotham
Harold Johnston
Frances Johnston
Sean Johnston

Johnston, Harold H.
Wil Hudson collection
MsC-273 · Collection · 1942-2014

Collection consists of letters written to and from Wil Hudson, his personal photographs and negatives, and type blocks used during his work as a printer. Collection also includes tributes to Wil Hudson written after his death in 2014.

Hudson, Wil
MsC-23 · Fonds · 1980-1998, predominant 1982-1996

The fonds includes records of the administration and activities of the Women and Words Society, including minutes, correspondence, financial and payroll records, submissions, fundraising records, documentation of events and its mentorship program.

West Coast Women and Words Society
Wayson Choy fonds
MsC-56 · Fonds · 1963, 1979, 1995-1997

The fonds consists of correspondence; news clippings, photographs, inscribed copy of Choy's novel The Jade Peony.

Choy, Wayson
Warren Tallman fonds
MsC-26 · Fonds · 1942-1994

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, teaching papers, personal and financial records, material pertaining to the Vancouver Poetry Centre, photographs, audiotapes, ephemera, etc.

Tallman, Warren
W.A.C. Bennett fonds
F-55 · Fonds · 1909 - 1981

The fonds consists of records relating to the life of W.A.C. Bennett. Documented are his personal life, business ventures, community service, club affiliations, and political activities, including his terms as Member of the Legislative Assembly for South Okanagan, and as Premier of British Columbia.

Personal records consist of early correspondence and household records, as well as material which documents W.A.C. Bennett's association with freemasonry and his fundraising activities with organizations such as the Salvation Army.

Business records consist of material relating to Bennett Hardware, Bennett’s Stores, and Calona Wines.

Political records refer to Bennett's tenure as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for South Okanagan, as Premier and as leader of the Opposition. Also relevant are records referring to the passage of a number of Municipal Acts and Bennett’s relationship with Federal politics.

Records include correspondence, advertisements, minutes, annual reports, telegrams, itineraries, schedules, financial statistics, financial statements, petitions, questionnaires, resolutions, reports, speeches, press releases, proposals, maps, plans, charts, file notes, memoranda, newspaper clippings, scrap books, ephemera, photographs, audio recordings, film reels, and video cassettes.

Bennett, W.A.C.
W. Randle Iredale fonds
F-47 · Fonds · 1964 - 1978

Fonds consists of records reflecting W. Randle Iredale's contribution to the architecture of Simon Fraser University. Records reflect the three phases of designing and building the Science Complex. Includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, news releases, negatives, contact sheets, slides, 8 x 10 photographs, and architectural drawings.

Iredale, W. Randle
Visible Verse fonds
MsC-152 · Fonds · 1999-2010

Records consist of videotaped poetry performances and textual records relating to the annual Visible Verse videopoem festival held at Pacific Cinematheque in Vancouver, B.C.

Visible Verse
Victor Coleman fonds
MsC-29 · Fonds · 1969-1987

Fonds consists of correspondence with Canadian writers George Bowering, Roy Kiyooka, Daphne Marlatt, and Fred Wah, and of correspondence with David Robinson of Talonbooks.

Coleman, Victor
MsC-256 · Fonds · 1959-2012, predominantly 1982-2012

Fonds consists of textual records, photographs, audio-visual records and other material documenting the creation, organization and activities of the Vancouver Branch of the national organization Veterans Against Nuclear Arms (VANA), dating mainly from the early 1980s to the 2000s. Some records relate to the activities of its parent body at the national and provincial level.
The fonds documents the Canadian peace movement of late 20th century, involvement of veterans in activism, and aspects of veteran community in Canada and worldwide. The fonds illustrate political situation, past and current conflicts as well as weapons development and policies in Canada, United States and globally.
The fonds documents the VANA Vancouver Branch administrative operations, membership strategies, financial operations, planning of activities, initiative and awareness projects. The research records containing publications, reports, fact sheets, summaries and articles illustrate peace activism, weapons development, consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, war crimes, NATO’s role, political situation and treaties in North America and around the world.
The fonds is divided into four series: 1. Administrative records; 2. Research records; 3. Photographs; 4. Audio/visual records.

Veterans Against Nuclear Arms