The fonds consists of records made or received by the Institute's Director in the course of planning the establishment of the Institute. Activities documented include development of the Institute's mandate, policies, and administrative structure; public programs planning; recruitment of staff, fellows, and conference participants; liaison with other SFU departments, faculty and staff associations, government, and other institutions; budget planning; facilities and space planning; and publicity and media relations. Document types include correspondence and reports; the proposal to establish the Institute, its charter and code of ethics, policies, and information brochure; conference proposals and invitations to potential participants; job applications, resumes, notes, and agreements; brochures, newsletters and other printed material from external associations and institutions offering comparable programs; costing estimates, budgets, funding strategy, correspondence and proposals to funding agencies; space planning reports and architectural drawings of the planned facilities for the Institute; and publicity material and press clippings relating to the Institute.
Institute of Public Policy Analysis
1972 - 1974