The fonds consists of promotional materials, most notably full-colour posters, surrounding the shortlisting and adjudication of potential winners and the subsequent selection and celebration of winners of the prestigious prizes. Also included are media clippings and press releases surrounding the event.
BC Book PrizesFonds consists of records relating to the activities and administration of the Allan Boag Foundation, including financial and accounting records, requests for funding, correspondence, grant applications and rejection letters.
Boag FoundationFonds consists of records relating to the activities of the Book and Periodical Development Council and its committees and task forces. They include reports, research, Freedom to Read kits, bank statements, minutes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, memos, and newsletters.
Book and Periodical Development CouncilThe fonds contains manuscripts, correspondence, journals, documents related to provincial and national writers organizations and documents related to the founding and running of Caitlin Press, The Poem Factory/Usine de Poeme, and Coracle Press including correspondence, manuscripts, promotional materials, and business records. Also includes papers related to Zonailo's academic work at various universities, as well as personal memorabilia, phonograph recordings and audio-cassettes of Zonailo's poetry set to music, video-cassettes, musical scores, literary periodicals, books by other authors (mostly inscribed to Zonailo), poetry broadsides, chapbooks, and ephemera. Records related to Zonailo's work as a member or the planning committee of the C.G. Jung Society of Montreal and editor of its newsletter are also included as well as correspondence, periodicals, graphic materials, and other records related to astrology.
Zonailo, CarolynThe fonds consists of print submissions made by individuals to The Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform, electronic records made by the CAER, video recordings of plenary sessions, interviews with CAER members, details of the BC-STV system, and animations of the procedure for the BC-STV, and a printed technical report.
Citizens Assembly on Electoral ReformCollection includes artefacts, textual records, and photographs that document labour history in British Columbia, across Canada, and internationally. Types of artefacts include ribbons, membership and memorial pins, dues buttons, delegate badges, and medals. Textual records include copies of collective bargaining agreements, shop cards, and union constitutions and bylaws. These materials document this history of Canadian and international labour organizations, including the International Typographical Union (the earliest to organize in North America), United Auto Workers, bricklayers, painters, metalworkers, and many others.
Fonds consists of videopoems and digital records from the Edgewise Electrolit Centre.
Edgewise Electrolit CentreThe fonds consists of sheet music, pipe band directories, paintings, photographs and other material.
Walker, Carl IanFonds consists of records relating to the administration and organization of the Moving Pictures film festival. Records include board of directors manuals, financial records, correspondence, and minutes.
Moving Pictures: Canadian Films on TourFonds consists of records relating to the activities of the Social Credit Women's Auxiliary and materials collected by Flo Dickinson as a member of the auxiliary. These include campaign material, photographs, correspondence, textiles, certificates, newspaper clippings, placards, account books, reports, magazines, brochures, and ephemera.
Social Credit Women's AuxiliaryFonds consists of records related to theatrical productions mounted by the Tamahnous Theatre Workshop Society and general and administrative records related to the company's operations. The fonds contains scripts, stage manager's notes and directorial notes, props lists, correspondence and memoranda, contracts, budgets, touring schedules, original artwork for posters, programs, and handbills, printed posters, programs, handbills, press releases, public service announcements, and other promotional material, clippings of reviews and paid advertisements, audience surveys, drawings and photographs, negatives, audio and video cassettes and reels, accounting records and financial statements, and other records. The fonds is arranged in five series: Scripts (1971-1994); Theatrical productions (1971-1994); General and administrative files (1971-1994); and Tamahnous Theatre Workshop Society photo history (1971-1994); and Audio-visual records (1971-1994).
Tamahnous Theatre