Sub-sub-series consists of photocopied material relating to the development and administration of academic departments; and the appointment, promotion, and tenure of faculty. Hugh Johnston numbered most of the pages and created an index to this material. Subjects, activities, and events documented include the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee; the Appointment Committee; the Joint Committee on Salaries, Promotions and Tenure; the SFU Faculty Association; faculty appointments; the CAUT Censure; sabbatical leave; PSA dismissals; foreign scholars; departmental reviews; the University Development Committee; the development of academic research centres and institutes; faculty members; culturally significant individuals, groups and movements of the 1960s; student activism and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Sub-sub-series includes appointment notices; selected chapters of an unpublished anthology of essays; correspondence; draft policy statements; printed emails; faculty handbooks; interview transcriptions; discussion papers; list serve postings; memoranda; minutes; printed material from online newsletters, newspapers, magazines, and encyclopedias; newspaper and journal articles; reports; and working papers.
1962 - 2003
Part of Hugh Johnston fonds