Sub-series consists of John Rowling's collection of print programs for each year's beer festival.
Sub-series contains physical copies of 162 issues of Adbusters magazine, from inception up to August 2022. Two copies of Adbusters magazine, vol. 16, no. 3 (issue 77) with alternative cover pages are included. The sub-series also includes a separated cover which was once used to bind the "Blueprint for a New World" boxset (issues 112-117).
This sub-series contains three annual reports of the Vancouver Moving Theatre Society covering activity between years 2019-2022.
Sub-series consists of books by Gambone published by publishers other than Red Lion Press. Titles includes a 2010 edition of Joseph Dietzgen's The Nature of Human Brain Work with an essat by Gambone (PM Press); and two works published by Edmonton's Black Cat Press, Gambone's memoir, No Regrets (2015), and his history of the BC IWW, For Freedom We Will Fight (2021).
Sub-series consists of physical and born-digital posters created and distributed by Adbusters Media Foundation. Born-digital records also include graphic design mockups and drafts associated with the creation of posters. While there is some overlap, print posters and born-digital records in this sub-series do not necessarily correlate.
Sub-series consists of born-digital Adbusters' spoof advertisement graphic files and associated records. Records include digital spoof ads parodying Absolute Vodka, Altria, Benetton, Calvin Klein, Coca-Cola, Disney, Eli Lilly, Esso, Gap, George Bush, Joe Camel, Marlboro, McDonalds, Nike, Phillip Morris, the automotive industry, the beauty industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the American flag. Associated records include spoof ad contest submissions, licensed image usage contracts, and licensed reprint request tracking tables.
Series consists of drafts for Cane|Fire, a book of poetry by Mootoo.
Sub-series consists of copies of titles published by Gambone's publishing house, the Red Lion Press. Includes a large number of Gambone's own works, as well as books by other authors, including Kevin Carson, Fred Casey, Joseph Dietzgen, Sébastien Faure, Hans Feldt, Jack Kavanagh, Ima Louette, and Bill Pritchard.
This sub-series contains publications about or by the Vancouver Moving Theatre and its performers.
This sub-series contains born-digital sound recordings, audiovisual materials, and graphic artwork. Records include short (15 second to 1 minute in length) promotional videos for Adbusters Magazine and the organization's various campaigns; audio readings of Adbusters Magazine (Issues 71 to 98), and an audio recording interview with activist Kenneth O'Keefe. Born-digital graphic materials associated with Adbusters Live Without Dead Time (2003, mixed by DJ Spooky that subliminal kid), and The Production of Meaning (2006) are also included within this sub-series.
Sub-series consists of print and born-digital calendars produced by Adbusters Media Foundation and their associated records. Print materials include 19 Adbusters calendars, dated to 1994, 1997, 1999-2008, 2012, and 2015-2020.
Born-digital materials include digital copies of calendars, mockups, advertisement graphics, artist permissions tracking tables, printing invoices, lists of famous quotes to include, lists of important dates to mark off, and thank-you notes. These born-digital records are associated with the calendars published from 2001-2003, 2005-2014, and 2018-2020. While there is some overlap, print calendars and born-digital records in this sub-series do not necessarily correlate.
Sub-series contains born-digital copies of the listserv newsletter distributed by Adbusters Media Foundation. The newsletter discusses ongoing campaigns being promoted by Adbusters Media Foundation; Adbusters magazine launches and subscription sales; and sales on merchandise or Blackspot shoes.
Records include the newsletter textual records (in HTML and PDF format) as well as separate digital graphics files associated with the newsletters (in PDF, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PNG, GIF, and PSD format).
This sub-series contains various serial publications that feature articles related to the Vancouver Moving Theatre performance projects.
Sub-series consists of born-digital records created by Adbusters Media Foundation during the following campaigns: Media Carta, TV Turnoff Week, Mindbombs, Boycott Divest sanctions, Black Remembrance Day, and the White House Siege. Records related to the development of a World Revolution App are also included. Types of born-digital records include manifestos, posters, advertisements, memes, photographs of merchandise, internal fundraising textual records, emails, and a moving image depicting an app's conceptual design (in .MOV format).
Sub-series consists of print copies of individual issues of What's Brewing, from Smith's relaunch of the magazine in 2015 (vol. 25, no. 1) to the last print edition of December 2020 (vol. 30, no. 4). Note that two issues from 2016 (vol. 26, nos. 1 and 4) are full-colour proof copies; the remaining are follow the normal format of colour cover with black-and-white content. No print editions have been issued after 2020, when the magazine shifted to an entirely online presence.
Sub-series contains born-digital records associated with the production and distribution of Adbusters magazine and the Adbusters calendar. These records include lists of distributors and stockists, order tracking tables, invoices, sales forecasts, magazine exchange lists, production schedules, production cost quotes, and contacts between Adbusters and distribution services Disticor and Ebsco.
Sub-series consists of physical merchandise produced and distributed by Adbusters Media Foundation. Records include postcards, stickers, pin-back buttons, fridge magnets, magazine subscription cards, flags, apparel, a coffee mug, a magnetized ceramic cookie, spoof parking tickets, and baseball cards.
Sub-series consists of records relating to Rowling's published writings for What's Brewing magazine from 1995-2000. What's Brewing was the newsletter of CAMRA Victoria / BC, and Rowling wrote a regular column called The Hopbine, "a fresh gathering of news and gossip." Records are exclusively in digital format; see Scope and content note in the parent series description for record types.
Sub-series consists of born-digital records related to the creation of Adbusters-branded merchandise. Records include photographs and digital graphic mockups of stickers, postcards, T-shirts, coffee mugs, baseball cards, flags, packaging, buttons, patches, and a spoof parking ticket.
While there is some overlap, physical merchandise from sub-series F-300-6-1 and born-digital records in this sub-series do not necessarily correlate.
Sub-series contains general records related to the administration of Adbusters Media Foundation. Paper records include business cards and envelopes. Born-digital records include scanned incorporation documents, Adbusters logos, Kalle Lasn's author photos and biographical summary, "About Adbusters" blurbs, business cards, letterheads, fax covers, envelop artwork, operation manuals, phone line extension lists, job postings, reference letters, staff schedules, internal media inquiry checklists, election forms, and scanned group photographs of staff from the 1990s.
Sub-series consists of paper and born-digital mockups and revisions of Adbusters magazine. The two issues represented in this sub-series are Adbusters magazine, special edition (issue 151) and Adbusters magazine, vol. 28, no. 5 (issue 152).
Sub-series consists of records relating to various branches of CAMRA BC that have existed at different times, including chapters at Nanaimo, Peachland, Prince Rupert, Richmond, Vancouver and Victoria. Records include branch declarations, correspondence, balance sheets, member and director lists. Also includes 4 photographs (file 6) from the 2000 Caskival event held by the Vancouver branch at Dix Barbecue and Brewery. Records exist only in digital form. Original file formats include Microsoft Word (doc, docx), Excel (xls, xlsx) and jpg.
Sub-series consists of business records relating to the planning and management of What Brewing Magazine during the period of Dave Smith's editorship. Records include correspondence, planning documents, meeting agendas, as well as three artefacts (magazine holder stands).
Sub-series consists of John Rowling's collection of artefacts relating to CAMRA Victoria / BC. Items include buttons, stickers, coasters, cufflinks, and two 20th-anniversary mugs presented to himself and his wife Carol in 2010 as CAMRA BC founders.
Sub-series consists of records relating to the administration and activities of CAMRA Victoria / CAMRA BC. Records include articles of incorporation, by-laws, balance sheets and annual reports; correspondence and surveys; flyers, posters, fact-sheets, and bulletins; photographs (files 21, 22, 45); planning documents; media releases and public campaign material. Sub-series includes both paper and born-digital files; media formats (paper or digital) are indicated in the file titles. Original digital file formats are predominantly Microsoft Office documents (doc, docx, xls, xlsx), with some pdf and image formats (jpg).
Sub-series consists of photographs taken at each year's beer festival. In some years, beginning around 2006, the GCBF had multiple photographers at the event. The sub-series is a hybrid of print and digital photos. All print copies are located in file 1; the remainder were transferred in digital form. Around 2003 GCBF photographers shifted from film to digital cameras. Digital copies of earlier photographs are likely scans from the original prints or negatives, whereas the later images were born-digital. The predominant file format is jpg.
Sub-series contains both paper and digital notes created by Adbusters staff members when conducting general operations for the foundation. Paper records include 13 staff notebooks, which detail marketing strategies, design sketches, campaign concepts, draft newsletters, and general notes taken by a minimum of four different individuals employed by Adbusters Media Foundation.
Digital records include volunteer schedules, job descriptions, task lists, to-do lists, external contact lists, meeting notes, a proposed booklet outline, how-to guides, branding plans, digital migration plans, and general notes created by multiple individuals employed by Adbusters Media Foundation.
Sub-series consists of Rowling's collection of beer labels from various BC breweries. Rowling created a scrapbook (digitized as file 1) presenting examples in roughly chronological order, ranging from early Victoria breweries (Sliver Spring, Victoria-Phoenix) through to contemporary craft breweries. In addition to the scrapbook there were a large number of loose labels grouped into envelopes. Labels for pre-craft beer period breweries are arranged in file 2, craft breweries (post-1982) into file 3. Within these groupings, labels are arranged alphabetically by brewery.
Sub-series consists of Rowling's collection of souvenir beer glasses for breweries and beer events.
Sub-series consists of posters, flyers, banners, pamphlets, and any other promotional material for the organization.