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MsC-76-0-1-10 · Sub-series · 2019-2021
Part of Shani Mootoo fonds

Series consists of drafts for Cane|Fire, a book of poetry by Mootoo.

F-300-8-2 · Sub-series · 2018
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

Sub-series contains records related to Adbusters Media Foundation's participation in the 2018 Vancouver Art Book Fair. Paper records include subscription cards, an internal manual on running an exhibition booth, price lists, and newsletter sign-up sheets. Born-digital records include emails, photographs, digital posters, an internal manual on running an exhibition booth, and a silent auction prize letter.

F-300-1-2 · Sub-series · 2018-2019
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

Sub-series contains records related to the administration of the Adbusters Media Foundation Culture Shop, with specific reference to multiple user surveys conducted to determine user engagement with the website. Physical and born-digital records include manuals, user surveys, and survey findings.

F-300-3-5 · Sub-series · 2018
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

Sub-series consists of born-digital records created by Adbusters Media Foundation during the Occupy Silicon Valley campaign. Occupy Silicon Valley was initiated by Adbusters in September 2018 to protest the influence of tech companies such as Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, and Facebook.

Born-digital records include press releases, posters, stickers, memes, instagram story graphics, and moving image files (MP4, MPEG) used to promote the campaign.

F-300-8-1 · Sub-series · 2018
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

Sub-series contains records related to Adbusters Media Foundation's participation in the 2018 Seoul Mediacity Biennale Exhibition. Paper records include an exhibition catalogue, where Adbusters Media Foundation is featured on page 195. Born-digital records include a press release, emails, photographs, and a video of Adbusters' exhibit.

F-314-1-2 · Sub-series · 2015-2019
Part of Dave Smith fonds

Sub-series consists of business records relating to the planning and management of What Brewing Magazine during the period of Dave Smith's editorship. Records include correspondence, planning documents, meeting agendas, as well as three artefacts (magazine holder stands).

F-314-1-1 · Sub-series · 2015-2020
Part of Dave Smith fonds

Sub-series consists of print copies of individual issues of What's Brewing, from Smith's relaunch of the magazine in 2015 (vol. 25, no. 1) to the last print edition of December 2020 (vol. 30, no. 4). Note that two issues from 2016 (vol. 26, nos. 1 and 4) are full-colour proof copies; the remaining are follow the normal format of colour cover with black-and-white content. No print editions have been issued after 2020, when the magazine shifted to an entirely online presence.

The Tartan magazine: issues
F-17-6-5 · Sub-series · 2015-2016
Part of Peak Publications Society fonds

Sub-series consists of issues of The Tartan magazine. The Peak Publications Society published the first issue in the fall of 2015 to celebrate SFU's 50th anniversary and in hopes of it becoming a regular publication under the former student newspaper's title. Whereas The Peak newspaper's focus is primarily on news reporting, The Tartan is intended to be a dedicated setting for fiction, poetry, artwork, photography, and long-form features about SFU. As of the second issue (spring 2016), the magazine will be published bi-annually.

F-300-1-3 · Sub-series · 2013-2017
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

Sub-series contains records related to social media marketing. Physical records include internal Adbusters social media marketing campaign memos. Digital records include three versions of the "Adbusters Social Media Strategy" as well as website analytics.

F-314-4-4 · Sub-series · 2013
Part of Dave Smith fonds

Sub-series consists of a single issue – the first – of the British Columbia Craft Beer News. The issue (volume 1, number 1) was published in XXXX 2013.

F-300-3-4 · Sub-series · 2011
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

Sub-series consists of born-digital records created by Adbusters Media Foundation during the Occupy Wall Street campaign. Occupy Wall Street was a campaign initiated by Adbusters in September 2011 to protest wealth disparity and corporate influence on democracy in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis. Adbusters initially called for protestors to occupy Zuccotti Park in New York City, but the movement eventually grew to be run by local grassroots collectives over 900 cities around the world.

Born-digital records in this sub-series include posters, pamphlets, protest photographs, and memes.

F-313-6-2 · Sub-series · 2010-2021
Part of Larry Gambone fonds

Sub-series consists of books by Gambone published by publishers other than Red Lion Press. Titles includes a 2010 edition of Joseph Dietzgen's The Nature of Human Brain Work with an essat by Gambone (PM Press); and two works published by Edmonton's Black Cat Press, Gambone's memoir, No Regrets (2015), and his history of the BC IWW, For Freedom We Will Fight (2021).

F-300-2-5 · Sub-series · 2010-2016
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

Sub-series contains paper and born-digital records related to the Adbusters Media Literacy Kit, Media Empowerment Kit, and the implementation of media literacy workshops. Paper records include the Adbusters Media Lit Kit (2010), as well as two photocopies of a media literacy workshop supplement. Born-digital records include advertisement graphics, flyers, workshop powerpoint presentation templates (in PDF format), workshop notes, media lit kit assembly how-to guides, correspondence, contact lists, draft email templates, order forms, page revisions, Adbusters spoof ads, and a digital copy of a Media Empowerment DVD featuring Adbusters' TV spots.

Born-digital copies of the Adbusters Media Literacy Kit (2006), Adbusters Media Empowerment Kit (2007), Adbusters Media Lit Kit (2010), and the Adbusters Media Empowerment Kit (2012) are also included.

Listserv newsletter
F-300-2-10 · Sub-series · 2010-2011, 2018-2020
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

Sub-series contains born-digital copies of the listserv newsletter distributed by Adbusters Media Foundation. The newsletter discusses ongoing campaigns being promoted by Adbusters Media Foundation; Adbusters magazine launches and subscription sales; and sales on merchandise or Blackspot shoes.

Records include the newsletter textual records (in HTML and PDF format) as well as separate digital graphics files associated with the newsletters (in PDF, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PNG, GIF, and PSD format).

"Shadow Catch" records
MsC-142-0-3-3 · Sub-series · 2010-2011
Part of Daphne Marlatt Fonds

Sub-series consists of records relating to the chamber opera "Shadow Catch," for which Marlatt composed the libretto. The opera was affiliated with the Pro Musica Society of Vancouver's Further East Further West Series, as well as the City of Vancouver's 125th Anniversary Celebration. "Shadow Catch" ran from December 2-4, 2011 at the Firehall Arts Centre in Vancouver. Records include draft scripts, correspondence, articles, musical scores, photographs, programs, and advertisements.

F-18-2-2 · Sub-series · 2010-2011
Part of Learning and Instructional Development Centre fonds

Sub-series consists of one documentary produced by LIDC, From C to C: Chinese Canadian Stories of Migration. The sub-series was established in 2018 to accommodate the transfer of this production, with anticipation of future transfers of similar material. The sub-series, however, is now closed.

Born-digital records
F-300-11-2 · Sub-series · 2009-2020
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

This sub-series contains born-digital sound recordings, audiovisual materials, and graphic artwork. Records include short (15 second to 1 minute in length) promotional videos for Adbusters Magazine and the organization's various campaigns; audio readings of Adbusters Magazine (Issues 71 to 98), and an audio recording interview with activist Kenneth O'Keefe. Born-digital graphic materials associated with Adbusters Live Without Dead Time (2003, mixed by DJ Spooky that subliminal kid), and The Production of Meaning (2006) are also included within this sub-series.

F-300-3-3 · Sub-series · 2009-2013
Part of Adbusters Media Foundation fonds

Sub-series consists of born-digital records created by Adbusters Media Foundation during the Kick It Over advocacy campaign. Kick It Over was launched to mobilize students to work for a curriculum change in the field of Economics. The campaign argues for "kicking over" neoclassical economic theory and the measurement of gross domestic product, as it creates and illusion of progress that does not account for the true cost of an industry's negative effects on the environment or public health. In 2012, Adbusters brought the Kick It Over campaign to University of British Columbia, through an event called the "UBC Jam" or "Occupy Econ 101."

Born-digital records include the kick it over manifesto, posters, digital graphics, and photographs taken during the UBC Jam.

Popoff's writings
MsC-121-8-1-1 · Sub-series · [19--]-2009
Part of Doukhobor collection

This sub-series consists of the various writings and notes of Eli Popoff relating to the nature of Doukhobor history, religion, beliefs, culture, education, singing and life-style choices. This sub-series includes texts of speeches, some translations and transcriptions of writings by other authors with the commentary by Popoff. Some of these writings were used as resources for the Iskra publication and some are related to the USCC. This sub-series also contains drafts and related material of works written by Popoff: Origin of Doukhobor Life Concept; What is the meaning of Doukkhobor; Recollections of Early Doukhobor Settlement in the Castlegar-Kinnard Area; Tolstoy in the Lives of Two Families; Katya; Origin of the Doukhobor Surnames.

MsC-125-0-5-2 · Sub-series · [before 2009]
Part of Derek Beaulieu fonds

Sub-series consists of hand-carved lino blocks used by Beaulieu to create printed works on paper.