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MsC 142-0-1-1 · Sub-series · 1972 - 1988
Part of Daphne Marlatt Fonds

Sub-series consists of records created or accumulated by Marlatt and co-editor Carole Itter while conducting research for and working on the project “Opening Doors - In Vancouver's East End: Strathcona," a work that documents the history and culture of Vancouver's Strathcona neighbourhood through oral history interviews with community members. Records include photographs, a collage, interview transcripts, and other research records.

3 · Sub-series · 1969-2008
Part of Norman Klenman fonds

Sub-series consists of records relating to Norman Klenman’s development of a screenplay for a feature film titled “Woodsmen of the West,” inspired by M. Allerdale Grainger’s memoir of the British Columbia coast in 1908, and plans for its production. Records include several screenplay drafts, notes and ideas, research material, contracts, and production budget and casting proposals.

MsC-158-0-2-2 · Sub-series · 1910-2003
Part of Ginger Goodwin research collection

Sub-series consists of notes and research records relating to the sale of the company R. Dunsmuir and Sons by James Dunsmuir to Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir) Ltd. in 1910. In 1910 Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir) Ltd. also purchased Robert Dunsmuir's company Wellington Colliery Company Ltd. Research materials from this sub-series were used primarily for chapter 2 of Stonebanks’ book.

F-33-8-5 · Sub-series · 1988-1989
Part of Board of Governors fonds

This sub-series comprises records created during the activities of the 25th (or Silver) Anniversary Advisory Committee and the 25th Anniversary Implementation Committee, along with all their associated sub-committees. The Silver Anniversary Advisory Committee was established to plan events and celebratory activities in honor of SFU's 25th anniversary, with the theme "SFU - 25 years of making a difference in your life." The records include committee meeting agendas and minutes, memos, reports, budget projections, project plans, and correspondence.

Simon Fraser University. Board of Governors. 25th Anniversary Advisory Committee
MsC-36-0-7-9 · Sub-series · [ca. 1999]-2000
Part of Peter Trower fonds

Sub-series consists of records relating to Trower's 2000 "A Ship Called Destiny: Poems of Love and Travel," originally titled "Yvonne’s Book." Includes the first selection of poems, an edited manuscript, the author’s introduction, postscript and table of contents, and galley proofs with photographs.

AC policies
F-33-3-4 · Sub-series · 1968 - 1995
Part of Board of Governors fonds

Subseries consists of AC series policies and their revisions over time. In 1992, the AC policy series were replaced by policy series A, R and T.

Academic Advice Centre
F-200-2-7 · Sub-series · 1972 - 1991
Part of Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost fonds

Sub-series consists of the Vice-President, Academic's correspondence with, related to, or copied from the Academic Advice Centre. The Centre was established in 1971 and dissolved in 1991; for the span of its existence it belonged to the VP Academic reporting portfolio. Activities and topics documented in the correspondence include operations and services of the Centre; faculty and student advisor appointments; and participation in the Education Information Centre Consortium (a collaboration of post-secondary institutions operating an office in downtown Vancouver starting in 1980). Records include correspondence, reports and statistics, proposals, and job descriptions.

Academic Advice Centre
F-201-3-3 · Sub-series · 1985 - 1992
Part of Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic fonds

Sub-series consists of the Associate Vice-President, Academic's correspondence with, related to, or copied from the Academic Advice Centre. For the whole of its existence (1971-1992), the Centre belonged to the VP Academic's reporting portfolio, though its direct reporting relationship shifted several times between the VP and the AVP. Activities documented in the correspondence include staffing, budget, policy development, and the reorganization and dissolution of the Centre in 1992. Records include correspondence, reports and statistics, student attrition and retention studies, advisors' manuals, and meeting agenda, minutes, and notes.

Academic calendars
F-85-5-6 · Sub-series · 1965-2010
Part of Office of the Registrar fonds

Sub-series consists of academic calendars published in print form by the university for each academic year. The sub-series represents a complete run of all print editions, from SFU's first academic year (1965-66) to the final year for which a print edition was produced (2009-10).

From 1965-66 until 1981-82, SFU produced separate calendars for undergraduate and graduate studies. The format changed in 1982-83, with a single calendar covering both undergraduate and graduate programs. The calendar continued in this format until 2010, when the university discontinued the print edition. Since that time, SFU maintains the calendar as a web-based product only. At the present time of writing (October 2017), the digital records for the calendar from 2010 onwards remain in the custody and control of Registrar's Office / Student Services.

In 2015, the Archives digitized a complete set of the calendars. This sub-series includes both the print editions and digitized copies.

Academic Computing Services
F-200-2-15 · Sub-series · 1991 - 1999
Part of Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost fonds

Sub-series consists of the Vice-President, Academic's correspondence with, related to, or copied from Academic Computing Services (ACS), and records relating to the activities and deliberations of university committees with responsibilities for university computing policies, operations, and services. Since its inception in 1991, ACS has remained within the reporting portfolio of the VP Academic. Activities and topics documented in the correspondence include policy development and strategic planning for IT services, including the review of ACS and Operations and Technical Support (OTS) in 1998; systems upgrade planning; operations of the SFU Microcomputer Store; and the activities of the Academic Computing Services Committee, the Administrative Computing Coordinating Committee, the Committee on Instructional Computing, the Committee on Research Computing, and the University Computing Advisory Committee. Records include correspondence, reports, meeting agendas and minutes, agreements, and strategic plans and other planning documents.

F-79-6-1 · Sub-series · 1966 - 1974
Part of Simon Fraser University Faculty Association fonds

Sub-series consists of records of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. Activities documented include the development of a statement and policy on academic freedom and tenure at Simon Fraser University. Includes correspondence, policy statements, reports, briefs, and articles.

Academic issues records
F-177-1-3 · Sub-series · 1995 - 2002
Part of Technical University of British Columbia fonds

Sub-series consists of records relating to TechBC's establishment and development of academic and research programs; policies and procedures; and collaboration with external research, science and technology based organizations. Records include reports, proposals and business plans; correspondence; minutes, agendas, and supporting papers; agreements; applications and requests for proposals; program outlines; terms of reference; presentations; booklets, brochures, and promotional material; annual reports; notes; and press releases.

F-33-8-14 · Sub-series · 1995-2006
Part of Board of Governors fonds

This sub-series consists of records created by the standing Academic Operations Committee. Responsibilities of the Committee encompassed the areas of academic administrative appointments; academic personnel; academic policy; faculty renewal plan; renewal, tenure, and promotion recommendations; as well as Senate Recommendations. Includes meeting agendas and minutes, reports, memos, correspondence, and terms of reference.

Simon Fraser University. Board of Governors. Academic Operations Committee
Academic Planner
F-200-2-5 · Sub-series · 1971 - 1974
Part of Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost fonds

Sub-series consists of the Vice-President, Academic's correspondence with, related to, or copied from the Academic Planner. The Office of the Academic Planner was established in 1964; it ceased operations in 1974, when the incumbent, John Chase, was made Director of a new department, Institutional Studies (later Analytical Studies). Activities and topics documented in the correspondence include development of planning mechanisms, enrollment projections, faculty salaries, the trimester system, development of new academic programs, teaching methods, and space allocation planning. Records include correspondence, reports, and statistics.

F-200-2-17 · Sub-series · 1992 - 1999
Part of Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost fonds

Sub-series consists of records relating to the activities of the Academic Planning Services unit within the Vice-President, Academic's Office (1992-1995), and then Secretariat Services which took over some the Academic Planning Services' functions in 1995. Activities and topics documented include university endowment accounts, administrative support for external reviews, development of an "accountability framework," and budget planning for new academic program proposals. Records include correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, and drafts; external review committee terms of reference, itineraries, summaries, and reports; and program proposals, comments (internal and external), and funding estimates.