File consists of correspondence from Irvin Blaser, Ina Blaser’s brother-in-law.
File contains editions of The Hudson Review featuring poems, prose, etc.
File contains typescript of “Non-Learned, Non-Ecclesiastical Words in Old English from Latin and Romance Sources: A Quantitative Approach.”
File contains typescript titled “Poetry and Politics.”
File includes poems, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other material.
File contains correspondence to Blaser from Malloy, Elliott, and [Jerry?].
File consists of six journals containing poems, teaching notes, and miscellaneous writings by Blaser.
File contains essay on medical research by James Felts and Richard J. Havel.
File includes an examination of Blaser’s poetry by Stan Persky
File contains draft of manuscript titled “The Holy Forests.”
File contains typescript titled, “Excerpts from ‘Vancouver Lectures.’”
File contains fold-out maps of Rome and Greece, as well as hand drawn map with directions of the northern portion of Washington state.
File consists of book lists with call numbers for Harvard Library, as well as forms requesting books for outside use.