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F-1 · Fonds · 1922 - 2013

The records of the John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia consist of the Society's administrative records and client case files and cards used to document information about individual clients. They encompass work done as a provincial society and also as a working office in the Lower Mainland.

The administrative records of the Society document all aspects of the Society's work. They are broken down into three separate series, reflecting the particular manner in which the Society operated. First, a separate series of miscellaneous records which the Society appears to have kept apart from its established file system dates from 1932 to 1988. A second series of administrative records dating from 1932 to about 1968 reflects the Society's file classification plan in use at the time (see Appendix B1 - hard-copy finding aid only). A third group of administrative records reflects a new file classification plan which replaced the earlier file system (see Appendix B2 - hard-copy finding aid only). Administrative records that have accrued to the fonds have been added to this series.

Later records demonstrate the increased activity of the society in addressing the social problems of crime, including victim assistance programs and community assessments, as well as administration of halfway houses.

Individual case files and cards provide evidence of the Society's involvement with clients on probation including repeat or 'habitual' offenders, as well as prison visits, counseling sessions and other related actions undertaken by the Society on behalf of its clients.

Records comprising this fonds are records created at the Vancouver office of the Society, and do not include records created by the various regional offices.

John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia
Kate Braid fonds
F-10 · Fonds · 1963-2013

Fonds consists of records relating to Braid's life and work as a student, teacher, carpenter, and writer.

The first five series from Braid's first donation in 1995 are comprised primarily of interview material relating to Canadian women in trades, in the form of sound recordings, transcripts, notes, and drafts of profiles generated by Kate Braid in the course of four projects: her Master's thesis (1978-1979); a convention in Holland and subsequent trip to Denmark (1984); the Labour Canada booklets (1988); and the CBC Ideas program (1990). Also includes some correspondence, logbooks and published reference material.

The next series from several additional accruals in 2009 to 2013 consist of records arising from many aspects of Braid's life. These records include drafts and notes from Braid's writing, projects for CBC Ideas, women in trades, her company, Sisters Construction, and other writing and teaching projects.

There is also a large series of correspondence, including letters and emails (printed out) between Braid and other writers, her family, and business correspondents. Finally, there is a series of Braid's diaries, which she has kept regularly from the 1960s to 2012.

The fonds is arranged in 24 series:

  1. Master's thesis interviews
  2. Europe interviews
  3. Labour Canada interviews
  4. CBC interviews
  5. Women in trade
  6. In Fine Form: the Canadian Book of Form Poetry
  7. Red Bait: Struggles of a Mine Local
  8. A Well-mannered Storm: the Glenn Gould Poems
  9. Emily Carr: Rebel Artist
  10. Inward to the Bones: Georgia Okeeffe's Journey with Emily Carr
  11. Vancouver Island Highway Project Road to Equity
  12. CBC Ideas: Men of the Deep
  13. Appointment calendars
  14. Correspondence
  15. Personal and early accomplishments
  16. Writing and teaching projects
  17. Turning Left to the Ladies
  18. Journeywoman
  19. Diaries
  20. First drafts and handwritten notes
  21. Sisters construction
  22. Publications
  23. Covering Rough Ground
  24. To this Cedar Fountain
Braid, Kate
F-101 · Fonds · 1981 - 1999

The fonds of the Women's Monument Project consists of records created and received in the course of carrying out the Project. Activities documented include Committee and sub-committee meetings, fundraising events, groundbreaking and unveiling ceremonies, site selection, dedication, language selection, design selection, construction, and gallery exhibits.

Includes proposals, reports, minutes, correspondence, speeches, published materials, press releases, news clippings, design competition guidelines, design submissions, construction contracts, Monument inscriptions, drawings, site maps, photographs and slides, videotapes, a cloth banner, and the original maquette and artwork of the winning design by Beth Alber.

Women's Monument Project
F-103 · Fonds · 1964 - 1980

The fonds of the Department of Psychology consists of records made and received in the course of administering the department, providing instruction, and promoting research. Activities and topics documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental meetings research achievements; student activities; and faculty appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations. Includes correspondence, minutes, reports, policies, faculty employment records, and other documents.

Department of Psychology
F-106 · Fonds · 1967 - 1996

The fonds consists of records relating primarily to the activities of the department and its predecessor programs. Activities and events documented include the evolution of the department, deliberations of departmental committees, correspondence of the director, course instruction including the field school, the role of the LAS student union, and the presentation of special events such as speakers and films.

Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies
Student Services fonds
F-107 · Fonds · 1964 - 2014

The fonds consists of records relating to the development and administration of non-academic services for students, staff and faculty at Simon Fraser University. Activities, topics and events documented include the Dean's/Director's correspondence with student services departments, Student Society, the university community, and provincial and national organizations; participation on university committees; development of projects, programs, and workshops; and publications.

The types of documents include meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting papers; correspondence and reports; annual reports; statistical studies; budgets and financial working papers; contracts; program evaluations; and publications including student handbooks, non-credit course calendars, brochures, newsletters, course outlines, and newspaper clippings. Photographs and architectural plans are also included in the fonds.

Student Services
F-109 · Fonds · 1964 - 2018

The fonds consists of records relating to activities of the School and its predecessors. Activities and events documented include the evolution of the department's structure, functions and governance; management of the School's budget and financial resources; management of School facilities; deliberations of School committees; correspondence of the Director with staff, faculty, other university departments and external organizations; curriculum development and course instruction; public-events programming; management of faculty and student relations; media relations, publicity and communications; and the organization of conferences and other special events.

Records include correspondence and reports; budgets and financial working papers; meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; course outlines and related material; media releases, event programs, flyers and booklets; audio and audio-visual recordings, films, photographs, posters and other graphic material; and departmental publications, including annual reports (1965-1976), course guides, newsletters and brochures.

School for the Contemporary Arts
F-11 · Fonds · 1960 - 2003

The Facilities Management fonds consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the Department and the carrying out of its functions, which changed over time. The original responsibilities of the department included building the physical plant of the University, maintaining buildings and grounds, and providing support services such as food, traffic control, and security. Later, its functions were narrowed to the construction and maintenance of the physical plant and grounds.

The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, construction and maintenance of the University's physical plant and grounds, including land acquisition and liaison with outside consultants and bodies; and the planning and delivery of services to the University, including water and power, traffic, security, fire prevention, purchasing, bookstore operations, central stores, mail, and food. The types of documents include meeting agenda and minutes, certificates, contracts, correspondence, copies of deeds, legal releases, lists, maps, memoranda, architectural plans, reports, and design specification books.

Facilities Services
Faculty Council fonds
F-112 · Fonds · 1965 - 1973

Fonds consists of records documenting the functions and activities of the Faculty Council. Fonds includes agendas, minutes, correspondence, policies and procedures, and other documents.

Faculty Council
Joint Faculty fonds
F-113 · Fonds · 1965 - 1971

Fonds consists of records relating to the activities of the Joint Faculty and the Interim Council of Joint Faculty. Includes agendas, minutes, correspondence, reports, and other documents. Researchers should be aware that the records of Joint Faculty appear to be incomplete and that this fonds appears to have been partially created from the records of the Office of the President, the University Librarian, and the records of the Simon Fraser Student Society.

The fonds consists of eight files.

Joint Faculty
Margo Dunn fonds
F-115 · Fonds · 1968 - 1993

The fonds is comprised of the records of Ariel Books and a number of subject files compiled or collected by Margo Dunn. Records reflect Margo Dunn's business interest as owner of Ariel Books, and her role as collector of the records of the Vancouver women's movement.

Includes correspondence, financial records, log books, promotional material, catalogues, articles, clippings, manuscripts, artifacts, and ephemera.

Dunn, Margo
Makara Magazine fonds
F-116 · Fonds · 1975 - 1979

Fonds consists of records created, received and collected in the process of publishing Makara magazine. Records reflect general operation, correspondence, production, and advertising. Includes correspondence, notes, distribution lists, articles, clippings, surveys, manuscripts, lay-out roughs, illustrations, press releases, contracts, promotional material and notes.

Makara Magazine
F-117 · Fonds · 1976 - 1977

Fonds consists of records generated by the Women's Cultural Exchange in the process of establishing the society, finding a location, opening, and using the space to fulfill their mandate to provide a cultural centre for women. Records reflect the incorporation of the society, minutes of meetings, membership, events, and finances. Includes constitution, certificates of incorporation, minutes, agenda, correspondence, membership lists, account book, scrap book, and ephemera.

Women's Cultural Exchange
F-118 · Fonds · 1967 - 1968

The fonds consists of records created, received and collected by the Simon Fraser Teachers' Union in carrying out its stated objectives. Includes the union's constitution, draft amendments to the constitution, correspondence, membership applications and cards, minutes, agenda, reports, financial records, memoranda, and newspaper clippings.

Simon Fraser Teachers' Union
F-119 · Fonds · 1966 - 1974

Fonds consists of records created, received, and collected by the Simon Fraser University Staff Association in carrying out its functional activities. Records reflect its constitution, executive and general meetings, social activities, benefits, newsletter, unionization and records of the membership chairman. Records include those collected from outside the fonds by a former archivist and those donated from other sources. Includes file lists, correspondence, memoranda, agenda, minutes, financial records, newsletter, bulletins, membership lists, posters, and a staff handbook.

Simon Fraser University Staff Association
F-12 · Fonds · 1964 - 1988

The fonds of the Department of Geography consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; departmental reviews; and the publication of journals and reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, an external review, faculty files, memoranda, minutes of meetings, and reports.

Department of Geography
Michael Irwin fonds
F-121 · Fonds · 1972 - 1974

Fonds consists of one file reflecting Michael Irwin's attempts to reclassify his position, and his bid to obtain union certification for theatre employees. Includes correspondence, memoranda and newspaper clippings.

Irwin, Michael
Heather Raven fonds
F-122 · Fonds · 1974 - 1977

Fonds consists of records accumulated by Heather Raven in her involvement with AUCE #2. Includes memoranda, correspondence, contracts, agenda, and minutes.

Raven, Heather
F-123 · Fonds · 1986 - 1999

Fonds consists of records made or recieved by the Association in the course of its activities. Activities documented include incorporation; meetings of the Annual General Meeting and various committees; maintenance of membership; financial management, budget planning, and grant applications; correspondence with member centres, regional representatives, government ministries and agencies, and other organizations; and development of a training strategy ("Planning for Change") and other projects. Records include correspondence, reports, meeting minutes and supporting papers, policies and procedures, financial records, agreements, published materials retained for reference, and notes, drafts and working papers.

British Columbia and Yukon Association of Women's Centres
Thomas J. Mallinson fonds
F-124 · Fonds · 1950 - 1990

The fonds consists of records made and received by Tom Mallinson in his role as a professor and as a consultant for outside organizations. Includes correspondence, lectures and publications.

Mallinson, Thomas J.
Elinor Ames fonds
F-125 · Fonds · 1964 - 1995

Fonds consists of records made and received by Elinor Ames. Correspondence consists of two files concerning the hiring of Dr. Ames, negotiations about the renewal of her contract, and her concerns about the administration of the Psychology Department. Other files contain samples of departmental publications and course materials such as exams.

Ames, Elinor
Maggie Benston fonds
F-126 · Fonds · 1966 - 1972

Fonds consists of records reflecting the academic and personal interests of Maggie Benston. The fonds is arranged in 5 series: Research files, Women's Caucus, Subject files, Publications, and Personal documents.

Benston, Maggie
Robert Dunham fonds
F-127 · Fonds · 1963 - 1989

The fonds consists of records arising from Dunham's teaching and research activities. Includes lecture and research notes, course outlines, exams and study questions, reading lists, reprints, essays and other writing by Dunham, and a few pieces of correspondence regarding Dunham's career and projects.

Dunham, Robert
F. Margaret Hayward fonds
F-128 · Fonds · 1963 - 1999

Fonds consists primarily of records made or received by F. Margaret Hayward in her role as director of the Reading and Study Centre at SFU. Includes reading and study course materials developed for the Centre, a survey of reading and study programs across Canada, correspondence relating to Hayward's appointment and work at the Centre, an oral history of F. Margaret Hayward recorded by Letty Wilson, former administrator at SFU, and a photograph of the opening ceremonies at SFU.

Hayward, F. Margaret
Michael Lebowitz fonds
F-129 · Fonds · 1960 - 1971

Fonds consists of records relating to a dispute between SFU's administration and the Political Science, Sociology, and Anthropology Department. In July 1969 SFU President Kenneth Strand placed the PSA Department under trusteeship. In September eight faculty members and a number of students went on strike. Strand suspended the faculty members with pay and informed them of their right to appeal. One faculty member, Nathan Popkin, asked for a separate hearing because, although he was technically "on strike," he conducted classes in his home. Mike Lebowitz agreed to act as his counsel before the appeal committee chaired by UBC economist Gideon Rosenbluth.

The Rosenbluth Committee concluded that there was no cause for dismissal. The university reinstated Popkin only to allow his contract to expire the following year.

Fonds consists of correspondence, minutes, transcripts, agendas, notes, schedules, procedural rules, chronologies, reports, constitutions, petitions, news clippings, and other documents.

While Lebowitz acquired the papers for Popkin's defense, there is considerable material relating to the other professors who went on strike.

Lebowitz, Michael
F-13 · Fonds · 1964 - 1988

The fonds of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; departmental reviews; and the publication of journals and reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda, annual reports, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, faculty files, memoranda, minutes of meetings, and reports.

Department of Languages, Literature and Linguistics
Thomas H. Brose fonds
F-130 · Fonds · 1966 - 1970

Fonds consists of four files reflecting Tom Brose's activities at SFU. Includes correspondence, memoranda, surveys, agendas, minutes and other documents. Also includes an additional file reflecting the interests and activities of a PSA colleague, John Leggett, who may have left the file with Brose when Leggett left the University.

Brose, Thomas H.
Press Gang Printers fonds
F-134 · Fonds · 1970 - 1993

The fonds consists primarily of records relating to the business activities of Press Gang Printers; it also includes some records arising from the collective's participation in the British Columbia Federation of Women. Activities and events documented include incorporation, the evolution of Press Gang's organizational structure, and the separation of the printing and publishing operations; collective and committee meetings; administration and unionization; financial management, grant and loan applications, and fundraising; liaison with other organizations in the women's movement and in other social movements; production and press work; marketing and promotion; and the financial difficulties leading to the closure of Press Gang in 1993.

Record types includes articles of incorporation; correspondence and reports; meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; collective agreements; photographs; ledgers, financial statements, income tax returns, and annual reports; printing samples (newsletters, newspapers, leaflets, brochures, posters, cards and other graphical material); production logbooks and customer accounts; and a Press Gang quilt.

Press Gang Printers
F-14 · Fonds · 1965 - 1988

The fonds of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics consists of records created and received in the course of the administration of the department and the carrying out of its functions of providing instruction and promoting research. The activities documented include policy and procedures development; the planning, initiation and administration of curriculum and programs; departmental and faculty meetings; faculty salary, appointment, promotion and tenure deliberations; course evaluations; and the publication of journals and reports. The types of documents include meeting agenda, correspondence, course outlines and examinations, an external review, faculty files, memoranda, minutes of meetings, and reports.

Department of Mathematics
John F. Ellis fonds
F-142 · Fonds · 1964 - 1969

The files include Dr. Ellis's notes on numerous interviews, background research, and the correspondence which accumulated in the preparation of the report as well as a briefly annotated copy of the report itself.

Ellis, John F.