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F-91 · Fonds · 1963-2023, predominant 1963-1995

Fonds consists of records relating to University ceremonies created by the Office of Ceremonies since 1982, and before that time, by the Registrar's Office and the President's Office. Activities and topics documented include the opening ceremonies for SFU in 1965, convocations, awards ceremonies, building and room openings and dedications, donor recognition events, staff recognition events, installations of presidents and chancellors, university anniversaries, and other special ceremonies.

Records include programs, books of words (order of proceedings), invitations, guest lists, correspondence, notes, press clippings, news releases, publications, photographic material, and other documents.

Ceremonies and Events Office
F-90 · Fonds · 1965 - 2001, predominant 1965 - 1987

The fonds consists of records made or received by the Art Gallery in the process of carrying out is functions. Activities and events documented include the evolution of the Gallery's structure, functions and governance; management of the Gallery's budget; deliberations of advisory committees; correspondence of the director with other university departments and the community; and the production of numerous art exhibitions. Records include correspondence, reports, agendas, minutes, budget summaries, exhibition programs and flyers, lists and forms relating to exhibitions, news clippings, and other documents.

Simon Fraser University Gallery
F-9 · Fonds · 1976 - 1987

The fonds of the Vancouver Women in Trades Association consists of records created and received in the course of administering the organization and providing support and advocacy for women working in trades and technology in the Vancouver area. Activities documented include annual and monthly meetings; office administration and funding; liaison with other groups; advisory work on vocational curricula; outreach projects; and advocacy around specific issues. Document types include constitution, minutes, correspondence, logbooks, worksheets, policy statements, briefs, reports, speeches, questionnaires, and photographs and illustrations. The fonds also contains published reference material, whose publication dates in some instances precede the foundation of the Association itself.

Vancouver Women in Trades
Ellen Frank fonds
F-82 · Fonds · 1974 - 1984

Fonds consists of records created, received and collected by Ellen Frank in her involvement in the women's movement in Vancouver. Activities documented include participation in the Association of University and College Employees (AUCE), the British Columbia Federation of Women (BCFW), the Solidarity Coalition, and activities relating to a number of other feminist organizations, issues, and actions. Includes correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda, reports, briefs, newsletters, press releases, notebooks, press clippings, project proposals, posters, and pamphlets.

Frank, Ellen
F-80 · Fonds · 1960 - 1995

Fonds consists of records created by the predecessor bodies of Recreational Services and Athletics. Activities and topics documented include the development of departmental policies, and objectives; the maintenance of facilities; departmental and university committees; the intercollegiate athletics program; the recreation program; the operation of athletic and recreational workshops and courses; departmental publications and publicity; and the responsibilities and operations of the Sports Information Office.

The predominant document types that comprise the fonds include correspondence; policy and procedure statements; agendas and minutes; reports; proposals; travel itineraries; schedules; rosters; statistics; news releases; press clippings; programs; newsletters; posters; films; and photographic material.

Recreational Services and Athletics
F-79 · Fonds · 1963 - 1991

The fonds consist of records created, received, and collected by the Simon Fraser University Faculty Association in carrying out its functional activities. Includes records relating to its Constitution and by-laws, policy development, correspondence, general and special meetings, the executive committee, standing and ad hoc committees, and publications.

Simon Fraser University Faculty Association
F-78 · Fonds · 1965 - 1977

Fonds consists of records created and received by the Simon Fraser University Women's Association in carrying out its objectives. Includes constitution and by-laws, executive lists, minutes of executive and general meetings, reports, membership lists, correspondence, newsletters, mailing lists, and records reflecting the association's activities, such as the organization of the annual Christmas party.

Simon Fraser University Faculty Women's Association
F-77 · Collection · 1984 - 1987

The Indo-Canadian Oral History Collection documents the histories of immigrants from the Punjab Province of India who came to Canada between 1912 and 1938. The project was initiated by Hari Sharma, Professor of Sociology at SFU, who conducted the interviews with the assistance of a graduate student.

The interview subjects, primarily Sikhs, discuss such topics as why they came to Canada, the journey to Canada, adjustment to Canadian society upon arrival, employment in Canada, family life, and their ongoing links with their country of origin. Appendices include an interview guide prepared by Hari Sharma and an article about the project.

Sharma, Hari
F-76 · Fonds · 1974 - 1996

The fonds consists of records created, received and collected by the Port Coquitlam Area Women's Centre in carrying out their objectives. Records reflect the administration and organization of the centre; financial arrangements and funding; projects, programs and activities the centre is involved with; its relationship with other feminist organizations; and publications. Includes constitution, by-laws, minutes of general meetings, minutes of steering committee meetings, membership lists, reports, financial records, correspondence, and publications.

Port Coquitlam Area Women's Centre
F-75 · Fonds · 1974 - 1980

The fonds consists of records created and received by the Women's Studies Association of British Columbia in carrying out its objectives. Includes constitution and by-laws, minutes, correspondence, conference registration forms, conference minutes, papers, membership lists, and publications.

Women's Studies Association of British Columbia
F-74 · Fonds · 1964 - 2009

Fonds consists of records created, received, and collected by the Simon Fraser Student Society and its affiliated groups on campus in the course of administration of student government and business. Included are records relating to the Constitution, minutes of Executive meetings, the Executive, finance and budgets, campus committees, elections, student unions, clubs and affiliated groups, publications, subject files, and audio material.

Simon Fraser Student Society
F-73 · Collection · 1969 - 1970

Collection consists of two scrapbooks. One scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and other material that documents the Abortion Caravan to Ottawa in 1970. The second scrapbook documents Janiel Jolley as a protest candidate of the Simon Fraser Student Society for Miss Canadian University Beauty.

Hollibaugh, Marge
F-72 · Collection · 1979

The Dance in Vancouver collection consists of interviews by Karen Greenhough with eight dance pioneers in British Columbia. The project was suggested by Greenhough's instructor, Iris Garland, SFU Professor of Dance, who obtained support through a Young Canada Works Grant.

The collection consists of seven interviews. Dancers interviewed include Kay Armstrong, Dorothy Hunter, Beth Lockhart, Grace MacDonald, June Roper, Josephine Slater, Dorothy Wilson, and Wynne Shaw. For one of the sessions, Greenhough interviewed two women (Dorothy Wilson and Wynne Shaw) at the same time.

Greenhough, Karen
F-71 · Collection · 1965 - 1968

Evelyn Woods was a mature student who entered the University to complete a teaching certificate. She befriended early staff members of The Peak student newspaper and often brought them cakes and other treats. In return, when she completed her studies in 1968, Peak staffers gave her a scrapbook as a souvenir.

Collection consists of one scrapbook of news clippings, and selected issues of The Tartan, SF View, The Peak and other memorabilia.

Woods, Evelyn
F-69 · Collection · 1983

Sue Cox was an undergraduate student at SFU, who was a student in one of Maggie Benston's classes. The collection consists of handwritten class notes and reprints from Maggie Benston's first offering of the course, "Women, Science and Technology," (WS 204-3).

The collection consists of one file.

Cox, Sue
F-68 · Fonds · 1967 - 1968

Fonds consists of records arising from the creation of the Non-Faculty Teachers Association. Fonds includes a constitution, and correspondence.

The fonds consists of one file.

Non-Faculty Teachers Association
F-67 · Collection · 1978-2016, predominant 1978-1980

The Women's Labour History Project documents the histories of women who were active in the trade union movement in British Columbia from 1890s onwards. The project was initiated by Sara Diamond, an undergraduate history student at SFU, who conducted the interviews. She received financial support from the British Columbia Summer Youth Employment Fund. Additional funding was received from many other sources, including The Canada Council, and the Federal Department of Human Resources. Diamond provides a description of her research methodology in a report included as Appendix A1, "Women's Labour History Project" (available in the hard-copy finding aid only).

The collection consists of 43 interviews conducted by Sara Diamond with women in the labour movement in British Columbia. The women discuss their childhoods, family lives, careers, social issues such as childcare and birth control, economic situations such as the depresssion and post-war employment, and the working conditions that led them to become union activists. A summary of each interview is provided in Appendix 1, "Women's Labour History Project" (available in hard-copy finding aid only).

The collection contains audio recordings and transcripts.

Diamond, Sara
Gillian Stainsby fonds
F-66 · Fonds · 1988 - 1989

Fonds consists of transcripts and cassettes arising from Stainsby's master's thesis. Descriptive information for individual interviews has been transcribed from original cassette covers; see in the hard-copy finding aid Appendix 5 and item-level descriptions.

Stainsby, Gillian
F-65 · Fonds · 1929 - 1998

Fonds consists of records made, received, and collected by Patrick McTaggart-Cowan in both his personal and professional life. Records document McTaggart-Cowan's work in Newfoundland both before and during W.W.II, his time with the Meteorological Service of Canada, as President of Simon Fraser University, as head of the Science Council, as head of Task Force Operation Oil and his activities after he retired. Also includes personal records relating to family, education, friends, and personal interests.

Includes autobiographical records, correspondence, diaries, journals, scrapbooks, notepads, financial records, speeches, publications, photographs, and artifacts.

McTaggart-Cowan, Patrick
F-62 · Collection · 1972 - 1992

The collection consists of agendas and minutes from the Women's Studies Coordinating Committee and the Women's Studies Graduate Committee. The collection also includes a proposal for a minor in Women's Studies and a correspondence file that contains letters exchanged between Lolita Wilson, Assistant to the Vice-President, Academic and the Committee on the Status of Women of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). The latter file also contains a copy of Wilson's 1972 report, "Women at Simon Fraser University."

Archives and Records Management Department
F-61 · Fonds · 1964 - 2019

Fonds consists of records made or received by University Communications and Marketing and its predecessors.

Activities and topics documented include the establishment, organization and operation of the unit; photography of SFU people, places and events for campus publications; provision of information to the public; organization of special events; liaison with other units in the University; and the production of press releases, brochures, and on-going publications.

Records types include correspondence, minutes, reports, proposals, and working papers; photographs, including negatives and contact sheets; university press releases and publications; and articles and other reference materials relating to SFU.

The fonds is arranged into seven series:

University Communications and Marketing
East Enders Society fonds
F-59 · Fonds · 1964 - 1994

Fonds consists of records arising from the general administration of the East Enders Society, and from the Society's participation in various social service projects for women in Vancouver's East Side. Fonds includes financial statements, receipts, correspondence, bulletins, reports, proposals, minutes of meetings, constitutions, job applications, letters of reference, newspaper clippings, audio tapes of interviews with Society members, partial transcripts of interviews, and other records.

East Enders Society
Halpern family fonds
F-58 · Fonds · 1865 - 1990

Fonds consists of materials documenting mainly the personal life of the Halpern family but also includes some records relating to George's and Fanny's scientific and professional interests. Activities and topics documented include the Halperns' emigration to Canada, George's scientific research and business enterprises, his work with Brock House (a senior citizen's centre), Ida's community interests, and Fanny's medical career in China.

Halpern family
F-57 · Fonds · 1951 - 1985

Fonds consists of the official records of the Independent Publishers Association and its 1976 successor, the Association of Canadian Publishers. The fonds documents the 1971 founding and the first ten years of operation of the ACP and its activities to strengthen and expand the Canadian-owned publishing industry through government action, co-operation between publishing houses and liaison with other associations.

The records contain substantial information and analysis of the English language Canadian publishing industry during this period and of its specialized sectors such as children's book, educational, scholarly, music and paperback publishing. They document the founding and operation of ACP affiliates: the Literary Press Group, Association of Book Publishers of BC and the Atlantic and Alberta Publishers Associations. The records reveal the concerns of these regional and specialized groups and of the industry as a whole and detail the remedial strategies formulated for problems of warehousing and distribution, censorship, production costs, promotion, foreign sales and foreign ownership. The ACP was a sustaining member of the Book and Periodical Development Council and the Canadian Copyright Institute and amassed minutes and papers from these organizations.

The collection reflects the cultural and economic nationalism that emerged in Canada during the 1970's. It offers significant information about federal and provincial government policies, initiatives and funding programs in aid of book publishing and on related issues such as copyright, Canadian learning materials development and the book tariff. Substantial records have been maintained on the Canada Council and its Book Purchase Program, the Ontario Arts Council, and the federal ministries of Secretary of State and Industry, Trade and Commerce. An extensive collection of briefs to the 1971 Ontario Royal Commission on Book Publishing is also included.

The records document Canadian publishers' participation in foreign book fairs and the Montreal Book Fair. Detailed records have been maintained on the proceedings of ACP publishing policy conferences and publishers' professional development seminars. Considerable documentation exists about the interaction between the ACP and associations and individuals representing libraries, educational institutions, booksellers and writers.

Significant correspondents with ACP staff and executive members include Dave Arnason, Beth Appeldoorn, Katherine Benzekri, Bill Bissett, Sally Bryers, Fred Cogswell, William Darnell, Jane Dobell, Robin Farr, Hugh Faulkner, W.E.P. Fleck, Nancy Fleming, Graeme Gibson, Shirley Gibson, Alastair Gillespie, Peter Grant, David Hancock, Ralph Hodgson, Jack Horner, Campbell Hughes, Paul Irwin, Don Jamieson, Luc Jutras, Naim Kattan, Susan Katz, Peter Kidd, Frank Keyes, Sheila Kieran, Georges Laberge, Patricia Lagace, John LeBel, Jack McClelland, David MacDonald, Roy MacSkimming, John Main, Gladys Neale, Jacqueline Nestman-Hushion, Gordon Pallant, J.Z. Leon Patenaude, Ellen Powers, Eva Radford, Bernie Rath, Angela Rebeiro, Ed Roberts, Toivo Roht, Dan Rosborough, Clyde Rose, Karl Seigler, Roy Sharpe, Alan Shute, Annabel Slaight, David Spence, Steve Stevanovic, Jack Stoddart, Anthony Toth, Linda Turnbull, Glen Whitmer and Randall Ware.

Included are the constitution, bylaws, letters patent, correspondence, reports, briefs, speeches and transcripts, budgets, financial statements, newsletters, brochures, catalogues, articles, clippings, press releases, minutes, and photographs.

Association of Canadian Publishers
David Mitchell fonds
F-56 · Fonds · 1907 - 1987

Fonds is comprised of research material gathered by David Mitchell for his book, W.A.C. Bennett and the Rise of British Columbia and records generated in the process of completing work on the book. The research material concentrates on Bennett's life as a political figure, the rise of the Social Credit Party, and political issues dealt with by the Bennett government.

It includes a mix of interviews with Bennett and other important political figures of his era, articles, clippings, government documents, Social Credit Party papers, copies of Bennett's personal papers, Mitchell's notes and rough drafts, academic papers, graphic material, and correspondence.

Mitchell, David
W.A.C. Bennett fonds
F-55 · Fonds · 1909 - 1981

The fonds consists of records relating to the life of W.A.C. Bennett. Documented are his personal life, business ventures, community service, club affiliations, and political activities, including his terms as Member of the Legislative Assembly for South Okanagan, and as Premier of British Columbia.

Personal records consist of early correspondence and household records, as well as material which documents W.A.C. Bennett's association with freemasonry and his fundraising activities with organizations such as the Salvation Army.

Business records consist of material relating to Bennett Hardware, Bennett’s Stores, and Calona Wines.

Political records refer to Bennett's tenure as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for South Okanagan, as Premier and as leader of the Opposition. Also relevant are records referring to the passage of a number of Municipal Acts and Bennett’s relationship with Federal politics.

Records include correspondence, advertisements, minutes, annual reports, telegrams, itineraries, schedules, financial statistics, financial statements, petitions, questionnaires, resolutions, reports, speeches, press releases, proposals, maps, plans, charts, file notes, memoranda, newspaper clippings, scrap books, ephemera, photographs, audio recordings, film reels, and video cassettes.

Bennett, W.A.C.
Zoltan Kiss fonds
F-48 · Fonds · [196-] - 1981

Fonds consists of Zoltan Kiss's architectural drawings and plans for the Academic Quadrangle and student residences at Simon Fraser University.

Kiss, Zoltan
W. Randle Iredale fonds
F-47 · Fonds · 1964 - 1978

Fonds consists of records reflecting W. Randle Iredale's contribution to the architecture of Simon Fraser University. Records reflect the three phases of designing and building the Science Complex. Includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, news releases, negatives, contact sheets, slides, 8 x 10 photographs, and architectural drawings.

Iredale, W. Randle
Robert F. Harrison fonds
F-46 · Fonds · [196-] - 1984

Fonds consists of records reflecting Robert F. Harrison's contributions to the architecture of Simon Fraser University. Records reflect the architectural competition to design the university, and include plans, construction records, and building specifications. Also includes newspaper clippings, correspondence, reports, information releases, minutes, change orders, test results, inspection reports, notes, tenders, financial records, specifications, addenda, photographs, and architectural drawings.

Harrison, Robert F.