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Community activism records
1 · Series · 1994-2008
Part of Betty Krawczyk fonds

The series documents the activities of community activism groups associated with Betty Krawczyk. Series consists of mission statements, flyers, a paper flag, song lyrics, correspondence, pamphlets, booklets, newspaper clippings, journals, three calendars, speeches, handwritten notes, a membership list, and envelopes for Women in the Woods, the Canadian Party of Women, and other community activism groups Krawczyk was involved with during the mid-1990s to 2007. Series also contains textile records, including a Prison Justice Day t-shirt, flags, hats, a tote bag, and an aboriginal bead blanket. A large portion of the series relates to the activities of Women in the Woods and Betty’s political movements.

Committee records
1 · Series · 2011
Part of Occupy Vancouver Collection

Series consists of records and meeting minutes pertaining to Occupy Vancouver committees: General Assembly, Volunteer Coordinating Committee, Info Tent, Security and Safe Guard Unit. It includes also Occupy Vancouver leaflets, booklets, by-laws and general records related to day-to-day activities.

1 · File · 7 Nov. 2011
Part of Occupy Vancouver Collection

The file includes two copies of the affidavit # 1 of Garrick Bradshaw, Penny Ballem, Murray Wightman, Frank Dodich, John McKearney, Cael Hopwood, Brenda Proksen, Blake Chersinoff, and Will Johnston in the Supreme Court of British Columbia between the City of Vancouver and Sean O’Flynn-Magee, Jane Doe, John Doe and other unknown persons.

[The Occupy Vancouver Sun]
1 · File · 16 Jan 2012 - 25 Feb. 2012
Part of Occupy Vancouver Collection

The file includes three issues of The Occupied Vancouver Sun, which include the following articles: “Putting the People Power back in the Democracy” by Alexander Hynes “Occupy & Capitalism” and “Where Have All the Occupiers Gone?” by Steve Collis.

1 · Series · May 1932 - July 1934
Part of Piers Island “Sons of Freedom” Doukhobor Imprisonment collection

Series documents the imprisonment of Sons of Freedom convicts at Piers Island Penitentiary between 1932 and 1934, from its initial stage in search for an island to set up the prison to determining the conditions for release of the prisoners. The records, the majority of which consist of correspondence between senior officials, shed light on the construction and management of the prison, as well as the problems that the federal prison system encountered regarding both personnel and prisoners.
Series consists of textual records including correspondence, telegrams, and memoranda, most of which were written to or by H. W. Cooper. The remainder of the records were created by other authorities, prisoners, and relatives of prisoners. Series also contains a warrant written by J. Cartmel and a chronology written in shorthand by H. W. Cooper. Also included in the series is an empty manila envelope. The records in this series have been arranged into the following three files: 1932; 1933; and 1934.

1 · File · [ca. 2011]
Part of Occupy Vancouver Collection

The file includes nine photographs of the same Occupy Vancouver group of activists taken from different angles, and one photograph of a single protester. No dates or names are given.

1 · Item · [ca. 2011]
Part of Occupy Vancouver Collection

Item is a journal with drawings of faces. Each face has a name on top. Inside the journal there is a loose paper on which is written “pamphlets, petitions, etc. Material for distribution.”