Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
General material designation
Parallel title
Other title information
Title statements of responsibility
Title notes
- Source of title proper: Title of the fonds is based on the name of the organization.The title is based on the contents of the fonds.
Level of description
Reference code
Edition area
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Dates of creation area
1923 - 2005 (Creation)
- Creator
- British Columbia Honey Producers Association
Physical description area
Physical description
3.17 m of textual records
3 photographs
1 audio cassette
Publisher's series area
Title proper of publisher's series
Parallel titles of publisher's series
Other title information of publisher's series
Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series
Numbering within publisher's series
Note on publisher's series
Archival description area
Name of creator
Administrative history
The British Columbia Honey Producers' Association (BCHPA) was founded in 1920 and continues as an active organization. Its functions are to promote beekeeping as a profitable activity, promote and assist in the marketing of produce and purchase of supplies, support apicultural research and education, and disseminate information about beekeeping and best practices to both Association members and the general public. BCHPA membership includes both commercial honey producers and hobbyists.
The BCHPA was formed as a result of a split within the Beekeepers Association of British Columbia, founded four years earlier in 1916. The disagreements related to the outbreak of a bee disease in 1916 and the requirement of registration for all beekeepers under the provincial government's revised Foul Brood Act. When the BCHPA broke away in 1920 it established two Divisions – Fraser Valley and Kootenay; in 1925 the Vancouver Island Beekeepers' Association joined as a third Division. The two provincial associations merged in 1931, with the older organization entering the BCHPA as the Greater Vancouver Division. Membership in the BCHPA peaked in 1978 with 1,290 members and 32 Divisions.
The BCHPA is organized into geographically based Divisions. A Central Executive acts as a coordinating body for Association-wide business, and is assisted by various standing and ad hoc committees. Divisions are headed by their own Executives and are responsible for holding divisional meetings, publishing newsletters, collecting membership fees, operating educational programs, acting as a purchasing cooperative for supplies and medications, advising the Central Executive and preparing resolutions for the BCHPA annual general meeting. The Central Executive is headed by an elected President and consists of officers elected at the annual meeting and appointed regional representatives. It functions primarily as a liaison body between the various Divisions and between the Association as a whole and the provincial Ministry, the BC Federation of Agriculture and the Canadian Honey Council. It is also responsible for producing the Association's newsletter.
Custodial history
The records were in the custody of officers of the BCHPA prior to their transfer to Archives. The Central Executive and the various Divisions maintain separate records. The first accession was donated to the SFU Archives by the Association's Doug McCutcheon in February 2001. Approximately 1.25 metres of BCHPA records were previously acquired by the British Columbia Archives in 1987 from from John N. Robertson, then treasurer of BCHPA. The transfer of the material held by the BC Archives to the SFU Archives took place in 2003. Subsequent accessions were donated to the SFU Archives by the Association's John Boone (between 2007 and 2012) and Doug McCutcheon (in 2006, 2008, and 2011). A small accession was donated by Mark Winston in 2015.
Scope and content
The fonds comprises records made or received in the course of administering the BCHPA's central and divisional organizations and carrying out their functions and programs. Most of the records originated with the Central Executive. Activities documented include board, committee and general members' meetings; correspondence of BCHPA officers; management of Association finances; evolution of the BCHPA constitution, by-laws and organizational structure; advice to governments and intervention in public policy debates relating to apiculture; production of the Association's newsletter; development of beekeeping educational programs and seminars; and participation in markets, exhibits and fairs. Records include constitution and by-laws; meeting agendas, minutes and supporting papers; correspondence; reports and briefs; cash books; grant applications and proposals; copies of the Association newsletter; and course outlines and teaching material.
Notes area
Physical condition
Immediate source of acquisition
The arrangement of the fonds into series is based on the Association's organizational structure. One series is reserved for records created by the central bodies, while each Division is assigned a separate series for divisional records transferred to the Archives. Within these groupings, the records were originally used and maintained by the Association or Division as a single unit of office files. Sub-series titles and arrangement have been supplied by the archivist in order to facilitate intellectual access to the documents. The arrangement was chosen to reflect activities falling under a similar function and generating related records. Nevertheless, overlap among groupings occurs, and the entire file list for the fonds should be reviewed to determine the existence of all files on a particular subject. Researchers should also be aware that strict chronological and alphabetical order was not originally maintained within files nor has it been supplied by the archivist. When the SFU Archives received the accrual of BCHPA records from the British Columbia Archives, some of the files related to other organizations, in particular, the British Columbia Commercial Beekeepers' Association. The archivist did not separate out these records because she did not know the circumstances of their acquisition and use by the BCPHA.
Language of material
Script of material
Location of originals
Availability of other formats
Restrictions on access
Some files may contain personal or confidential information. Files marked "pending review" must be reviewed by an archivist prior to release and, as a result of the review, access restrictions may apply. Please see the file lists and consult the reference archivist for more details.
Copyright subsists in all or some of the records. Generally, the university is the copyright owner only to works that the donor authored. Please consult the reference archivist for details about the use of copyrighted materials.
Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication
Finding aids
Generated finding aid
Associated materials
All accessions have been processed as of August 2015. Further accruals are expected.
General note
Financial assistance for the arrangement and description of the records and production of the finding aid was generously provided by Mark Winston, Professor, SFU Department of Biological Sciences (March 2001); the SFU Department of Biological Sciences (March 2001); and the SFU Faculty of Science (April 2001).
Alternative identifier(s)
Wikidata identifier
Wikidata URL
Standard number
Standard number
Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
- Bunse, Jacquie (Subject)
- Friedrich, Theo (Subject)
- Hardie, Blaine (Subject)
- Hanson, Sue (Subject)
- Heighway, C. C. (Subject)
- Feedham, W. C. (Subject)
- Hoadley, W. E. (Subject)
- Fuhr, Leo (Subject)
- Hart, S. (Subject)
- Turner, R. (Subject)
- Campkin, H. (Subject)
- Truscott, L. (Subject)
- Chandler, P. (Subject)
- Milot, E. (Subject)
- Lichtensteiger, D. (Subject)
- Lowing, Charlie (Subject)
- McGill, Ivan (Subject)
- Mahon, Hugh (Subject)
- Hanson, Dale (Subject)
- Fuhr, Rose (Subject)
- Bergenske, John (Subject)
- Pullein, Colin (Subject)
- Huxter, Terry (Subject)
- Hancock, Ted (Subject)
- Huxter, Elizabeth (Subject)
- Gibeau, John (Subject)
- Reist, Stan (Subject)
- Neidig, Wayne (Subject)
- Culley, Catherine (Subject)
- Clark, Kerry (Subject)
Genre access points
Control area
Description record identifier
Institution identifier
Rules or conventions
Level of detail
Dates of creation, revision and deletion
April 2001: finding aid prepared (Richard Dancy, Frances Fournier, Enid Britt).
September 2003: revised (Frances Fournier, Enid Britt).
January 2006: updated (Richard Dancy).
September 2014: accrual added (Rita Mogyorosi).
August 2015: minor accrual processed to sub-series 1-4 (Rita Mogyorosi).