Fonds F-18 - Learning and Instructional Development Centre fonds

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Learning and Instructional Development Centre fonds

General material designation

  • Photographic materials
  • Textual records
  • Moving images
  • Records in electronic form (born-digital)
  • Records in electronic form (digitized)

Parallel title

Other title information

Title statements of responsibility

Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title of the fonds is based on the name of the creating department. The unit's name changed over time, and the title uses the last form of the name.

Level of description


Reference code


Edition area

Edition statement

Edition statement of responsibility

Class of material specific details area

Statement of scale (cartographic)

Statement of projection (cartographic)

Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Dates of creation area


  • 1963-2014 (Creation)
    Learning and Instructional Development Centre
    Sub-series 4-2 includes some materials that post-date the dissolution of LIDC; these records were created and transferred by Creative Services / Creative Studio, a successor of LIDC.
  • 1916-2014 (Dates of document)
    Sub-series 1-5 includes copies of photographic negatives whose originals pre-date the establishment of SFU (photos of Chancellor Gordon Shrum).

Physical description area

Physical description

ca. 278,500 photographs: negatives, contact sheets, prints, slides
ca. 500 moving images: film reels, videocassettes
ca. 220 sound recordings: audio cassettes, audio reels
37.25 cm of textual records
12.5 cm of graphic materials

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Archival description area

Name of creator


Administrative history

The Learning and Instruction Development Centre (LIDC) was a service unit that provided in-classroom technical assistance and support; worked with SFU departments to create multimedia educational productions (photographs, sound recordings, film and video); and offered training programs in new instructional techniques and methods.

LIDC had its origins in the Audio Visual Centre established in the Library in 1967. Headed by Walter Griba from 1967 to 1993, the AV Centre became an independent unit in 1973. It was renamed the Instructional Media Centre (IMC) in 1981, then LIDC in 2001. For most of its history, the unit reported to the VP Academic portfolio, with a short period (1986-1991) during which it was part of the VP Research group.

In 2010-11, LIDC was reorganized and its two core functions were separated out to two new units: the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), focussed on instructional support services; and Creative Services, focussed on the creation of multimedia works supporting or highlighting SFU teaching, research, and programs. In 2014 Creative Services was renamed Creative Studio and became part of University Communications and Marketing.

Name history:

  • Audio Visual Centre (1967-1981)
  • Instructional Media Centre (1981-2001)
  • Learning and Instructional Media Centre (2001-2011)

Chief officers:

  • Walter Griba, Coordinator (1967-1973), Director (1973-1993)
  • T. Greenwood, Director (1993-2000)
  • William Glackman, Acting Director (2000-2001)
  • David Kaufman, Director (2001-2008)

Successor bodies:

  • Teaching and Learning Centre
  • Creative Services / Creative Studio in University Communications and Marketing

For a visual representation of LIDC's administrative history data, see the appendix in the pdf finding aid for F-18, Learning Instructional Development Centre fonds.

Custodial history

The records were in the custody and control of LIDC and its predecessors. Transfers to the Archives began in the 1980s, with accessions continuing through the 2010s.

Scope and content

Fonds consists of predominantly of media works (photographs, moving images, sound recordings, graphic materials) created by LIDC and its predecessors. Records were created in the course of the department's work to provide media and technical support for university teaching and research; support instruction in the development of innovative teaching methods; produce publications to communicate and promote SFU and its programs; and create an audio-visual record of campus events and activities. Records include photographs in various formats (negatives, contact sheets, prints, slides), graphic design materials (drawings and cartoons), sound recordings and moving images; textual records comprise print publications created for client departments.

The fonds has been arranged into five series based on media type and subject:

Notes area

Physical condition

Immediate source of acquisition


Language of material

  • Chinese
  • English

Script of material

    Language and script note

    Chinese-language material is found in the documentary production, C to C: Canadian Chinese Stories of Migration (file F-18-2-2-0-1) and includes interviews in Cantonese, Mandarin and Taishanese.

    Location of originals

    Availability of other formats

    The Archives is in the process of digitizing some of the materials in this fonds: photographic contact sheets and negatives (series 1-4); and sound recordings, film and video (series 2 and series 3). Some items in these series may have been digitized but not yet fully processed (ingested to the digital preservation system with preservation and access copies generated). Consult the reference archivist for more information.

    Restrictions on access

    The records in the fonds are university records subject to British Columbia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Access restrictions may apply to records containing personal information or confidential information. Most of the series, however, represent materials that were produced for public dissemination, and these are generally open. Files marked "pending review" must be reviewed for clearance by an archivist prior to release. See the file lists and consult the reference archivist for more information.

    Access to audio-visual materials on their original analog formats may be restricted for preservation reasons, due to the fragility of the medium or the lack of playback equipment. The Archives will provide access through digitization; consult the reference archivist for more information.

    Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

    Most of the materials in the fonds were created by SFU employees in the course of their employment and copyright belongs to SFU. The Archives provides makes these materials available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license (CC BY-NC). Users are free to copy, share and adapt the materials as they like provided they credit SFU as the creator, indicate any changes they have made, and use the works for a non-commercial purpose. All requests for commercial use should be made in writing to SFU Archives.

    The fonds also includes works created by non-SFU third parties and SFU does not own copyright in these materials. The Archives may make copies available for private study or research purposes under the fair dealing provisions of Canada's Copyright Act. Use for any other purpose may require the permission of the copyright owner. SFU Archives can assist researchers in attempting to identify copyright owners, but it is the users' responsibility to contact owners and secure any permissions.

    See individual series descriptions for more information about the application of copyright to specific sets of records.

    Finding aids

    An index to photographs (contact sheets and negatives) is available; see series 1-4 for more information. Note that in the pdf finding aid, the file list for series 1-4 is omitted, as it runs to over 700 pages simply listing file and item numbers. The pdf version of the finding aids also includes an appendix presenting LIDC's administration history in visual form.

    Uploaded finding aid

    Associated materials

    Related materials


    No further accruals are expected, but as of January 2023 there remain 3 boxes (ca. 1 m.) of materials in backlog (not yet processed). These appear to be the working files of one or more LIDC photographers and include negatives, contact sheets, prints, and slides. The exact relation of this material to the photographs in series 1 has not yet been determined.

    Alternative identifier(s)

    Standard number

    Standard number

    Access points

    Subject access points

    Place access points

    Name access points

    Genre access points

    Control area

    Description record identifier

    Institution identifier

    Rules or conventions



    Level of detail


    Dates of creation, revision and deletion

    January 2023: accruals arranged and described; series 1 reorganized; series 4 and series 5 added.
    November 2018: contact sheets and negatives re-housed, description updated.
    September 2006: descriptions updated.
    March 1998: records arranged and described, finding aid prepared.

    Language of description

    • English

    Script of description


      Accession area