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Yvonne Klan fonds
MsC-135 · Fonds · [199?]-[200?]

Fonds consists of records reflecting Yvonne Klan's research into the history of the fur trade, the British Columbia opium trade, James Murray Yale, B.C.'s First Nations, and pioneer poets. Records include copies of her published works, travel notes, radio scripts and publishing proposals.

Klan, Yvonne Mearns
Writing in Our Time fonds
MsC-82 · Fonds · 1978-1979

Records consist of material gathered and created by Rose Marie Trembley at and in the lead-up to Vancouver's Writing in Our Time reading series. Records include newsletters, posters, brochures, minutes, press releases, correspondence, and several photographs of readers and events taken by Rose Marie Tremblay. Writing in Our Time was a reading series organized by the Vancouver Poetry Centre in 1979 to benefit West Coast literary presses, especially Blew Ointment Press. Poets who read at the event include George Bowering, Fred Wah, Frank Davey, Daphne Marlatt, Victor Coleman, Gerry Gilbert, bill bissett, Robert Creeley, Ed Dorn, Ann Waldman, and Michael McClure.

Tremblay, Rose Marie
MsC-43 · Collection · [1940?-1945?]

The collection consists of pamphlets, posters, leaflets and scattered newspapers and periodicals in French and German. The bulk of the material concerns the Vichy government of France; the remainder includes anti-German and anti-Vichy government propaganda circulated by the French Resistance, the Austrian Liberation Front, etc.

Women in View Festival fonds
MsC-237 · Fonds · 1985-1999

The fonds comprises records made or received in the course of administering and carrying out the Women in View Festival's functions and programs. Most of the records originated with the Board or with Festival employees. Activities documented include media promotion of the Festival board; management of the Festival's finances; evolution of the Festival's organizational structure; production of the Festival's newsletter; committee and annual general meetings and retreats; correspondence; and reports . Records include meeting minutes and supporting papers; correspondence; reports; copies of the Festival newsletter; newspaper clippings; photographs and negatives; video cassettes and audio cassettes.

Women in View Festival
William Stafford collection
MsA-22 · Collection · 1961-1973

Fonds consists of correspondence, handwritten poems, a newspaper clipping and an essay written by William Stafford and mailed to former SFU professor Frederick Candelaria. Photographs of manuscript pages are also included.

Stafford, William
William Hoffer fonds
MsC-90 · Fonds · 1893, 1967-1993, predominant 1980-1993

Fonds consists of records reflecting Hoffer`s bookselling and publishing activities during the 1980s. Records include correspondence, fiscal files, client files, journals, book catalogues, galleys, proofsheets, critical pieces, articles, and review. The fonds is composed of the following series: Series 1. Correspondence, Series 2. Publication files, Series 3. Business files, Series 4, Miscellaneous.

Hoffer, William
MsC-276 · Collection · 1970-1982

The negatives depict Hudson in his shops in Vancouver (Cambie Street and later Marine Drive), as manager of the Kingait print cooperative at Kinngait (previously Cape Dorest), and socializing in Vancouver, Burnaby and Powell River.
The individuals depicted in the photos, sometimes identified by first name in the file titles, include:
Wil Hudson
Keith, Betty and Brendan Shields
Fritz Jacobsen
Bill Shoebotham
Harold Johnston
Frances Johnston
Sean Johnston

Johnston, Harold H.
Wil Hudson collection
MsC-273 · Collection · 1942-2014

Collection consists of letters written to and from Wil Hudson, his personal photographs and negatives, and type blocks used during his work as a printer. Collection also includes tributes to Wil Hudson written after his death in 2014.

Hudson, Wil
MsC-23 · Fonds · 1980-1998, predominant 1982-1996

The fonds includes records of the administration and activities of the Women and Words Society, including minutes, correspondence, financial and payroll records, submissions, fundraising records, documentation of events and its mentorship program.

West Coast Women and Words Society
Wayson Choy fonds
MsC-56 · Fonds · 1963, 1979, 1995-1997

The fonds consists of correspondence; news clippings, photographs, inscribed copy of Choy's novel The Jade Peony.

Choy, Wayson
Warren Tallman fonds
MsC-26 · Fonds · 1942-1994

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, teaching papers, personal and financial records, material pertaining to the Vancouver Poetry Centre, photographs, audiotapes, ephemera, etc.

Tallman, Warren
Visible Verse fonds
MsC-152 · Fonds · 1999-2010

Records consist of videotaped poetry performances and textual records relating to the annual Visible Verse videopoem festival held at Pacific Cinematheque in Vancouver, B.C.

Visible Verse
Victor Coleman fonds
MsC-29 · Fonds · 1969-1987

Fonds consists of correspondence with Canadian writers George Bowering, Roy Kiyooka, Daphne Marlatt, and Fred Wah, and of correspondence with David Robinson of Talonbooks.

Coleman, Victor
MsC-256 · Fonds · 1959-2012, predominantly 1982-2012

Fonds consists of textual records, photographs, audio-visual records and other material documenting the creation, organization and activities of the Vancouver Branch of the national organization Veterans Against Nuclear Arms (VANA), dating mainly from the early 1980s to the 2000s. Some records relate to the activities of its parent body at the national and provincial level.
The fonds documents the Canadian peace movement of late 20th century, involvement of veterans in activism, and aspects of veteran community in Canada and worldwide. The fonds illustrate political situation, past and current conflicts as well as weapons development and policies in Canada, United States and globally.
The fonds documents the VANA Vancouver Branch administrative operations, membership strategies, financial operations, planning of activities, initiative and awareness projects. The research records containing publications, reports, fact sheets, summaries and articles illustrate peace activism, weapons development, consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, war crimes, NATO’s role, political situation and treaties in North America and around the world.
The fonds is divided into four series: 1. Administrative records; 2. Research records; 3. Photographs; 4. Audio/visual records.

Veterans Against Nuclear Arms
MsC-28 · Fonds · [1983?]-1992

The fonds includes correspondence, photographs, posters, promotional material, business records, etc.

Vancouver Industrial Writers Union
MsC-126 · Fonds · 1961-2013

Fonds consists of material created, received and used by Colleen McCrory during her work as founder of the Valhalla Wilderness Society and as a member of the BC Environmental Network, Taiga Resource Network, the Boreal Forest Network and Canada's Future Forest Alliance. Includes material relating to the activities and accomplishments of these groups in general, as well as records pertaining to environmental movements and activities at the provincial, national and international level, and a significant amount of material relating to indigenous peoples' roles in these movements. Material also documents McCrory's achievements, honours and recognition. Records include correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, newsletters, books, journals, posters and a flag. Major subject areas covered include: Clayoquot Sound, Carmanah Valley, Stein Valley, lower Stikine, pulp mills, logging and forestry, gas industry, dams, legal disputes, campaigns to save specific areas in B.C., particularly the Slocan Valley and areas in the Kootenays, the proposed Jumbo Glacier ski resort, activities of the New Democratic Party of BC. Together these records document the history of environmental movement in British Columbia and Canada.
However, Valhalla Wilderness Society fonds contain very little material on major campaigns that VWS worked on, like watershed conflicts in the Slocan Valley. VWS decided that these materials are still essential for the ongoing business of their organization.

Valhalla Wilderness Society
MsC-188 · Collection · 1972-1977

In September of 1974, 12 members of the SFU Geography Department voted to form a Vancouver chapter of the Union of Socialist Geographers (USG). For the first few years this chapter, comprised of both faculty and graduate students, was responsible for collecting, editing and publishing content for issues of the USG newsletter. Eventually, volumes comprised of multiple issues of newsletters were produced and the first few of these were also published from SFU. By 1978, however, support from the Geography department at the University was waning. M. E. Eliot Hurst, a key founding member of the USG, was replaced as Chair of the Department of Geography and graduate students were leaving, so the Minnesota chapter stepped in to become the principle organizing and publishing collective for volumes 5 and 6.
Superseded by a splinter group, the USG fizzled out of existence around 1981. In the years since, several original members of the Union have worked to collect and digitize original published content, though it remains incomplete. SFU Special Collections and Rare Books holds 17 issues of the USG newsletter, representing volumes 1-4 in their entirety and portions of volumes 5 & 6. A few more issues can be found at the website for the Antipode foundation (
This collection is comprised of miscellaneous contextual records that serve to illustrate some of the atmosphere and attitudes towards socialist geography that existed at SFU in the 1970’s. There are source project reports that clearly inspired SFU students to develop their own geography project in Vancouver; notes and memos from within the SFU Department of Geography discussing the relative merits of a socialist geography course or agenda; a compilation of collaborative papers generated by USG members for presentation at a conference; and minutes from meetings of the Vancouver chapter of the Union of Socialist Geographers.

Tsunami Editions fonds
MsC-70 · Fonds · 1986-2001

The fonds includes manuscripts and proofs.

Tsunami Editions
Trevor Blakemore collection
MsC-66 · Collection · 1933-1958

Collection consists of typescript, manuscript and handwritten poems, wartime letters between Trevor Blakemore and Philip Godfray, between Ann Driver (Blakemore) and Philip Godfray, between Ann Driver (Blakemore) and Madame Godfray, and a memorial service program for Trevor Blakemore. Correspondence reflects themes such as British literary clubs, the wartime attitudes of the Blakemores, BBC wartime broadcasts and the evacuation of children from Nazi-occupied Channel Islands.

Godfray, Philip
MsC-255 · Fonds · [195?]-[200?]

Fonds documents the research, advocacy and communications activities of the Trade Union Research Bureau. Records include books, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, correspondence, legal documents, research materials, sound and video recordings.

Trade Union Research Bureau
MsC-210 · Fonds · [ca. 1959-2006]

Toby Brooks is an American-born social advocate and activist living in Canada with her husband David. Toby worked at a home for women survivors of domestic abuse in Ontario in the 1970’s and 1980’s. While furthering her education she came across the story of Vancouver poet Pat Lowther, murdered at just 40 years of age by her husband in 1975 when just on the brink of professional recognition. Pat Lowther’s untimely death resonated with Brooks, who spent the better part of the next two decades researching and interviewing Lowther’s friends, family, and colleagues. The end result was a biography entitled “Pat Lowther’s Continent: her life and work” published by gynergy books in 2000. Toby also organized a series of tributes dedicated to Pat Lowther. The first was held in 1995 at Emmanuel College in Toronto, with others following at various locations on what would have been her milestone birthdays.

This collection consists of textual records compiled primarily by Toby Brooks, but also some research material from her collaborator Dona Sturmanis. The records are mainly correspondence, interview transcripts and photocopies of poems. There are also copies of research records obtained from other archives or organizations.

There are 3 series contained within this collection: Research and writing ([ca. 1959-2006]); Toby Brooks-Dona Sturmanis collaboration ([before 2000]); and Pat Lowther tributes and readings ([ca. 1985-2006])

Brooks, Toby
Timothy Taylor fonds
MsC-116 · Fonds · 1997-2006

Fonds consists of records documenting Timothy Taylor's work as a writer of fiction in Vancouver, B.C. Records consist of project notes, correspondence, drafts of both Stanley Park and Story House and workbooks for novels. The fonds is arranged into three series: Project notes; Stanley Park records; Story House records.

Taylor, Timothy
MsC-193 · Collection · [ca. 1995-1996]

This collection contains 18 cassettes (approximately 27 hours) representing 10 interviews compiled for the oral history project that resulted in "Tides of Men: A Documentary on the Lives of Gay Men in British Columbia, 1936 to the Present.". The interviews are narratives of gay life in Vancouver, compiled approximately between 1995-1996 by Robert Rothon and Myron Plett.

Thomas Carnie fonds
MsC-65 · Fonds · 1942-1943

The fonds consists of a journal of Carnie's experience in Canadian Armed Forces in World War II. Includes photographs, medals, etc.

Carnie, Thomas
MsC-10 · Fonds · 1981

The fonds consists of correspondence related to the organization of the conference, student journals, transcripts of conference proceedings, and notes of student organizers.

The Coast is only a line
MsC-274 · Collection · 1978-2022

This collection consists of records created, collected and commissioned by Terry Hunter and Savannah Walling co-founders of creative collaboration known as the Vancouver Moving Theatre. The records in this collection document the history of Hunter and Walling’s artistic collaborations beginning in 1978.
Terry Hunter and Savannah Walling Collection consists of visual and audio recordings of performances of the Vancouver Moving Theatre from 1978-2007. It also contains textual records documenting promotional material and publications created to publicize and to review activities of the Vancouver Moving Theatre. These records covering activity period from 1983-2022 include ephemera, excerpts of serial publications, newspaper articles and special publications that document the VMT projects in detail. Part of the textual records contains financial statements of the VMT and educational resources created to aid in development of children and adult art projects. The educational resources were developed over the years and were based on the individual performance prepared by the VMT.

Vancouver Moving Theatre
Tamahnous Theatre fonds
MsC-59 · Fonds · 1971-1994

Fonds consists of records related to theatrical productions mounted by the Tamahnous Theatre Workshop Society and general and administrative records related to the company's operations. The fonds contains scripts, stage manager's notes and directorial notes, props lists, correspondence and memoranda, contracts, budgets, touring schedules, original artwork for posters, programs, and handbills, printed posters, programs, handbills, press releases, public service announcements, and other promotional material, clippings of reviews and paid advertisements, audience surveys, drawings and photographs, negatives, audio and video cassettes and reels, accounting records and financial statements, and other records. The fonds is arranged in five series: Scripts (1971-1994); Theatrical productions (1971-1994); General and administrative files (1971-1994); and Tamahnous Theatre Workshop Society photo history (1971-1994); and Audio-visual records (1971-1994).

Tamahnous Theatre
Talonbooks fonds
MsC-8 · Fonds · 1963-2003

The fonds consists of production records, correspondence, manuscripts and typescripts, proofs and galleys, promotional material, reference files, and business records, including financial statements, transaction records, royalty statements, and inventory records. Fonds includes records of the little magazine "Talon". Correspondence and manuscripts include contributions from Margaret Avison, Margaret Atwood, Victor Coleman, Bill Bissett, George Bowering, Jim Brown, Frank Davey, Gary Geddes, Barry McKinnon, bp Nichol, Michael Ondaatje, David Phillips, James Reaney, David Robinson, George Ryga, Audrey Thomas, Phyllis Webb, Michel Tremblay, Fred Wah, David French, Robin Blaser, David Arnason, Brian Fawcett and many others.
