Gates, Jon

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Authorized form of name

Gates, Jon

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Description area

Dates of existence

? - 1992


Jon Gates was a Canadian-based activist committed to raising awareness of the AIDS-crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. He was involved with the International Committee for AIDS and liaised with multiple international health organizations to promote equal access and treatment options.
He is most well-known for a keynote speech delivered at the Canadian AIDS Society meeting in 1992 shortly before his death. It is this speech and other resources that were compiled by Villon Films to create “The Legacy of Jon Gates” in 1993, which is at the heart of this collection. The film chronicles the last two years of Jon’s life and his fight for recognition that people in the developing world deserve equal care to those in 1st world countries.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

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Control area

Authority record identifier

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Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Created 02 JAN 2019, JMH



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